Finally, the Science behind Reincarnation

Finally, the Science behind Reincarnation

Reincarnation According to Kabbalah

In each generation over the past six thousand years, souls have descended that were here on previous occasions. None of us is a new soul; we have all accumulated experiences from previous lives in other incarnations.

Souls descend to earth in a special cyclical order. The number of souls is not infinite; they return again and again, progressing toward correction. The same souls are encased in a series of physical bodies that are more or less the same, but the types of souls that descend are different from one another. This is referred to nowadays as “reincarnation,” but Kabbalists use the term “development of generations.”


The Purpose of Reincarnation and Why Each Generation Is Unique

This intertwining, the connection of the soul and body, assists in the correction of the soul. The human being is referred to as soul, not body. The body itself can be replaced, just as organs can now be replaced. The body is useful only in that it serves as an encasement through which the soul can work. Each generation physically resembles the previous one, but they are different from one another, because each time the souls descend they are imbued with the added experience of their previous lives here. They arrive with renewed strength obtained while they were in heaven.

Thus, each generation possesses different desires and goals from the previous one. This leads to the specific development of each generation. Even a generation that does not reach the desire to know the true reality or a God-like recognition accomplishes the task by the suffering it endures. That is its way of making progress toward the true reality.

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External Changes Won’t Improve Our Connection. Only Internal Changes Will Improve Our Connection.

Students of Bnei Baruch
Notes from the third lesson at the
South American Kabbalah Congress

We have all been created as parts in one system, connected to one collective soul.

Gradually, we started feeling isolated from each other until we reached the state of lacking the sensation of unity between us.

That state is called “this world.”

The return to the sensation of true connection between us is called “the system of worlds.”

In other words, in the measure that we reveal the unity between us, we rise in the system of worlds – starting from the world of Assiya – the smallest degree of connection between the souls, through the world of Yetzira, Beria, Atzilut, Adam Kadmon and the world of Ein Sof (Infinity) – the final degree of connection between the souls, as in one body.

My will to connect to others = my soul.

The wisdom of Kabbalah was given to us as a tool for discovering the true connection between us, which is the condition for the revelation of the Upper World.

In order to speed up our development toward the revelation of the connection between us, one is dependent on one’s surroundings.

By nature, the ego is against our interconnection, so we need to create surroundings that value the importance of the true connection among ourselves.

The goal of all problems that befall us are not for us to connect through troubles and pressures, but to help us find that positive part within us, the internal connection between people, by ourselves.

Therefore, the fact that an intensifying connection is revealing among all parts of reality, in ecology, economy, and in the connections between us – this is a good sign.

Everything that seems bad or evil to us in our world is made that way in order to force us to connect with each other.

Therefore, it won’t help us to solve the world’s problems in an external way.

The change that will better our lives is the change of inclination from “correcting the world” to “correcting ourselves.”

Considering the above mentioned, it becomes clear that the sole free choice a person has is in his inclination toward connecting with others.

Today we are all, as if, covered by the external shell of the ego that differentiates between us and others.

Throughout history, we have developed within this external shell, until the fruit within it ripened.

And now, the time has come for us to crack this external shell and connect among ourselves.

Only in that way will the world’s problems be solved.

3 Lessons from the South American Kabbalah Congress in Argentina (Video & Audio)

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