Where Is the World’s Meanness and Corruption Taking Us?

The more we discover the meanness and corruption in our world, the more we will be ready for an inner change. [Tweet This]

First, we have to feel bad and when the evil is revealed we begin to ask and to clarify why we feel bad. If we are developed enough, we begin to ask about the source of evil, about the cause for evil, about the purpose of evil. Then we feel that we are connected to the upper force by fate. We begin to live more and more by a prayer to adhere to the force of bestowal. Gradually we begin to feel we don’t yearn to fill our vessels of receiving, but totally want to remain in the appeal, in giving. You have nothing and you don’t need or want anything. Gradually we begin to feel it. This is depicted to a person only after a very long time since it requires an inner change of his systems, of the system of his soul.

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One Wake-Up Call for All Humanity

One Wake-Up Call for All Humanity

The goal of creation is not for only one person to achieve the Creator-like state, but for humanity to achieve it. [Tweet This]

Today, in the present stage of development, everyone has received an awakening, an “invitation,” a call, a push, an opportunity for correction and for participation in the process. We must learn how to use the unified system and its laws to bring ourselves to the first state of wholeness: the goal of creation. That is what we must attain. The present stage of historical development is characterized by everyone beginning to feel more or less, that we are living in a unique time and that humanity must pass through major changes. Beginning with us and moving outward, we become active parts that can even activate the system.

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Endless Life and Absolute Fulfillment

Endless Life and Absolute Fulfillment

If you equalize your inner attributes with the attributes of the Upper Light, you will reach perfection & eternity, “the world of infinity”—endless life and absolute fulfillment.

All this depends exclusively on changing our inner qualities. This is why the science of Kabbalah aims at showing us that by changing ourselves (and doing it quickly, within one lifetime) we begin to transcend this earthly existence. Our bodies remain in it and we go on living our usual lives with families, children, the world and society. But we receive an addition to all this—the Upper Reality—where we live in our supernal sense organ.

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