Do You Want To Experience Enormous Spiritual Advancement? Read This

Do You Want To Experience Enormous Spiritual Advancement? Read This

Kabbalah Unveils the Mystery of What Happens to Your Soul After Your Body Dies

Kabbalah teaches us that our physical body is simply a clothing for or eternal soul, that goes through life cycles as it develops towards its final correction.

What happens to our bodies after death is much like what happens to the wheat seed when it rots in the ground. The physical body disintegrates and we receive a new body. But the soul, the former spiritual potential, still remains in the form of a gene, potential information that transcends from one phase, from the old physical body to the next, through a physical detachment called “death.”

As long as the body has not fully disintegrated, the next cycle cannot start. Only when it disintegrates does the new cycle of evolution begin. That is why Jews bury their dead with- out delay. There are even some practices that enable the new life to begin sooner, such as adding lime to the grave so that the body will rot faster—as though asking for the new phase of correction to begin sooner.


The Secret of Developing Your Soul Without Having to Undergo Death

The transition from life to life requires a complete disintegration, just like the wheat seed, until only the essence remains: a pure power, denied of any physical clothing. This essence is called the reshimo. Between the degrees, between one life cycle and the next, there is a severance, a void. For this reason a person cannot see the transitions from phase to phase. However, a Kabbalist transcends from cycle to cycle thousands of times. He or she controls the transitions, and in each of them leaves behind a reshimo. A Kabbalist doesn’t need to leave the physical body to begin a new life because he or she identifies with the soul, not with the body.

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