How to Get the Light That Connects the Impossible

How to Get the Light That Connects the Impossible

Philosophy has placed a lot of effort into proving that the corporeal is produced by the spiritual, that the soul begets the body. This is, of course, nothing more than philosophy’s invention.

The spiritual has nothing to do with the corporeal; there is no connection between them whatsoever.
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It’s necessary to separate the two worlds. However, they aren’t separate in and of themselves, but only relative the person who attains them. Outside a person, there is only the general Light. Once a person attains the Upper World, through it he sees our world, and he is no longer confused about the origin of everything that happens and about the connections between all parts of the world.

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Guess Where to Discover Your Authentic Self

Guess Where to Discover Your Authentic Self

With Kabbalah, one can reveal a single point upon which one begin to build one’s authentic self.

When we begin to mold a connection between us into which everyone contributes his concern, warmth, and beauty, then we will feel our lives are found precisely there within this connection. Our bodies are here, and my consciousness, my true self, is there. I am found there with my soul, in connection with everyone. From many parts, thanks to the warmth between them, one body is created. And everyone receives the awareness, understanding, feeling, and warmth of everyone.

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Egoism of a Part Leads to the Death of the Whole

Egoism of a Part Leads to the Death of the Whole

The cause of all conflicts is human nature: egoism, the desire to fulfill ourselves at the expense of others.

Human egoism is the only destructive force that exists; hence, the world will not be able to persist unless we change our egoistic approach to society. Egoism of a part leads to the death of the whole. If a cell in a living organism begins to relate egoistically to other cells it becomes cancerous. Such a cell begins to consume surrounding cells, oblivious to them or to the needs of the whole organism, and thus, eventually extinguishes the entire body, including itself. The same applies to human egoism with respect to nature: while developing for itself, detached from the rest of nature and not as an integral part of nature, the egoism leads everything to death, including itself.

What is the Body’s Role in Spiritual Development?



Dr. Michael Laitman: In the wisdom of Kabbalah we learn about the birth of the spiritual Kli, about its growth and about changes of state.  The same thing takes place with us in our world, the birth and growth of our beastly body, which in principle is that ego.  Our body is what exists in our imagination, in fact, it is formed within our ego.  After that it melts, disappears, dies, and in its place another body appears, and another, and so forth until we go out to the level of the completed correction.  We return into the bodies all the time because they are imperative for us for our independent attainment of every spiritual level.

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