Better the World Campaigns Strike a Chord

A Global Impact to Better the World?

In one of the comments to our first post Mark Zimmerman wrote his idea:

“Create (and constantly develop) a worldwide marketing campaign, which focuses on promoting altruism as the “in-thing” – that we can be respected in society only by our altruistic actions toward others. In other words, we use all sorts of imagery, arts, music, media and culture to make it “cool” and respectable to help/give to/love/think of other people.

Moreover, this question of “how do we help other people?” should continually be raised to the public through this promotion, so that this question constantly resonates in people’s thoughts, and so people will start thinking more about how to fulfill others and less about how to fulfill themselves – that true fulfillment is only through the fulfillment of others.”

Here are a couple commercials that promote altruistic values:



What do you think about this idea? And what about the videos?
Do you think that such publicity might actually convince (and maybe even change) people? Would it make an effect on you?
We’d love to know what you think about it.

Related Material:
*Check out the first blog entry in this series
*Check out the second blog entry in this series
*Check out the fourth blog entry in this series
*Check out the official Project 10^100 website
*Transforming Ourselves, Transforming the World: A Related Video on the Topic

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From Egoism to Altruism – the Key to Social Change

Social Change – A Rare Approach

A Kabbalah-Inspired Squidoo Lens

Cells in organisms unite by reciprocal giving for the sake of sustaining the whole body. Each cell in the body receives what it needs for its sustenance, and spends the rest of its energy tending to the rest of the body. At every level of Nature, the individual works to benefit the whole of which it is part, and in that finds its wholeness. Without altruistic activities, a body cannot persist. In fact, life itself cannot persist.

Humanity, too, is actually one whole body. In truth, we have always been individual parts of a single system. The problem is, we human beings are still unaware of it. Nature reveals it in the way that two forces act in sync: there is a connecting force that connects us all as one, and a rejecting force that pushes us away from one another. Thus, when these two forces begin to manifest their orientations more acutely, we begin to discover how dependent we are, and at the same time, we revolt against this dependency because of our growing egos. Read the Full Squidoo Lens on Social Change >>>

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