How Changing Education Will Change Everything

How Changing Education Will Change Everything

“This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation.”

–Albert Einstein


Why Education Should Be About More than Giving Knowledge

In Webster’s dictionary, education means “the action or process of educating or of being educated [schooled/informed].” But in a world where fifty percent of what we learn in the first year of college is outdated and irrelevant by the end of the third year, what good is our schooling?

Even more important, with the escalating global crisis, can we guarantee our children’s education, even through high school? Because the current crisis is global and multi-faceted, the education system must adapt itself and prepare our youth to cope with the current state of the world.

Therefore, our challenge today is not so much to acquire knowledge as it is to acquire the social skills to help ourselves and our children overcome the abundant alienation, suspicion, and mistrust we encounter today. To prepare our children for life in the 21st century, we must first teach them what makes our reality what it is, and what they can do to change it.

This does not mean that disseminating knowledge should stop, but that these lessons should be part of a larger story that teaches students how to cope in the world they are about to enter. They should be able to leave the classroom and use this knowledge to grasp the full picture of reality and the forces that design it, and to understand how they can use it to their benefit.


Competitive vs. Collaborative Education: All About Me or All About We?

In nearly every country in the world, education systems are designed to prod students to aim for personal achievements. The higher the student’s grades, the higher his or her social status. In America, as in many countries in the West, this system not only measures how students perform, but how they perform in relation to others. This makes students not only want to excel, but inevitably makes them want their fellow students to fail.

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Einstein’s Grades as Example of the Practical Difficulties in Determining the Truth

From Today’s Daily Lesson

Albert Einstein as a Child
Albert Einstein as a Child

Schoolchildren love to hear the story (turned myth) about Albert Einstein getting bad grades at school, thinking that they can too sit back, get bad grades, and still be a genius afterwards. In today’s daily lesson on a section from Baal HaSulam’s article “Peace in the World,” called “Practical Difficulties in Determining the Truth,” Rav Michael Laitman, PhD used Einstein’s school grades as an example of how humanity does not have the scales of measurement to evaluate a person properly, because we ultimately do not know what a person is supposed to be.

The main problem is that we create our scales of measurement out of a lack of sensing a person’s soul, of who is a person, what is each person’s role within the system of souls, what particular condition is one currently in and what is one’s duty toward the interconnected system of souls. A proper scale of measurement for evaluating each person and oneself needs to take all these parameters into consideration.

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