Food Shortages, Starvation and Obesity Are All Results of One Cause

Mankind\'s Growing Hunger
Mankind’s Growing Hunger

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 15

The current food crisis has been declared a ‘silent tsunami’ in recent headlines. Kabbalah explains the root of the problem, and shows us how to avert this growing threat.

Actually, food shortages are nothing new—they have shaped civilizations since the days when Pharaohs ruled Egypt. In the past 50 years alone, famines in Africa, North Korea, China, and Cambodia have claimed millions of lives. So why are world leaders today so alarmed by the current situation?

In Pharaoh’s time, a famine in Egypt didn’t affect tribes wandering the plains of America. In contrast, today’s crisis ripples across the entire world. Global food prices have risen 83% in the past three years, making it almost impossible for the world’s poorest nations to feed their people. More than 70 countries spanning every continent are now facing critical shortages. Moreover, famine is no longer limited to third world countries. Even developed countries like the United States are facing soaring food prices that are impoverishing the once-comfortable middle class. This time, hunger is truly global. Read the Full Article…

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Uniting Our Hearts – Kabbalah Congress in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Uniting Our Hearts - Kabbalah Congress in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, together with the Almaty Kabbalah group, is inviting you to the first ever Kabbalah Congress in Central Asia and Kazakhstan!

The theme of the congress is Uniting Our Hearts, and is dedicated to the unity among Kabbalah students from around the world. The aim of the congress is to reach a new level of unity and dissemination of the wisdom of Kabbalah in Asia.

When: July 18-20, 2008.

Where: The picturesque outskirts of Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Preliminary Congress Fee: US $200.

For registration and additional information, please contact

Application Deadline: June 30, 2008

We are waiting for you!
Almaty Congress Organizing Committee
Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute

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