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February 23, 2025

Archive for Zohar

Why Spiritual Development Requires Proper Examples From Proper Teachers

Ocean Shores, Washington, Dec 31, 1998

Humans Develop Through The Examples Of Others

The Wisdom of Kabbalah is the practical method, that can help any person to enter spirituality, perceiving the fixes operating reality, attaining the Upper Force.

To begin to understand how the wisdom of Kabbalah assists us in sensing the upper force, consider a growing child. There is nothing more natural than the process of maturing, hence this comparison will accompany us throughout the book.

When a baby is born, it begins to hear, to see, and to react. It learns and develops from examples that we present to it.
If we left the baby to grow in the woods, it would imitate the animals and grow like an animal. With the exception of a few instincts and reflexes, everything about us comes from learning.


Can Spirituality Be Developed Through Observational Learning?

Can we learn the upper system in the same way if we do not feel it? How can we be like that baby, or even a drop of semen that only wishes to be born into a new quality called “giving”?

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The Magical Play of Light: Color in the Spiritual Worlds

The Magical Play of Light: Color in the Spiritual Worlds

How to Become Light Sensitive to the Colors of Connection

Everything that The Zohar and the wisdom of Kabbalah talk about are forms or types of the connection between us. The Creator or the Upper Light has no form; we cannot feel Him. The types and forms of connection of bestowal and love between us by being equivalent to the Light, give the Light form, color, and gradations of qualities. I can distinguish and “pick up” the Light in my own qualities to the extent that they are similar to Him.

Therefore, whatever we read about in The Zohar always refers to types of connection between souls. We reveal the Light according to the forms of connection that manifest between us. Otherwise the Light is impossible to “pick up” (reveal). “There is no Light” if I don’t paint it with different colors. The Light that comes to me should necessarily be colored as the seven colors of the rainbow. Without this, I, as a created being, will not see it; I will be unable to sense or perceive it. [Source: Dr. Michael Laitman, “Through the Seven Colors of the Rainbow to the Simple White Light.”]


Worlds of Color According to Your Spiritual Sensitivity

The Zohar ascribes a specific color to each Sefira:

  • White corresponds to Sefirat Hochma;
  • Red corresponds to Sefirat Bina;
  • Green corresponds to Sefirat Tifferet; and
  • Black corresponds to Sefirat Malchut.

Although the Light that fills the Sefirot is colorless, receivers see it with its corresponding hue. Thus, in all five worlds (from Ein Sof to our world), the Light that emanates from the Creator is an absolutely colorless, imperceptible substance. Only after it traverses the worlds and Sefirot as if through color filters do we perceive it as having a certain color and intensity, depending on the level of the soul that receives the Light.

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Priceless Orientation to Keep You On-Course When Sailing Through The Zohar

Priceless Orientation to Keep You On-Course When Sailing Through The Zohar

Memorize the Pivotal Pattern in the Map to Avoid Being Lost at Sea

The Zohar was concealed from the uninitiated from the day of its creation. Now, the conditions have ripened for its disclosure to the public. To make The Zohar accessible to every reader, we must precede it with some explanations.

First, it should be noted that everything described in The Zohar is an order of ten SefirotKeter,HochmaBinaHesedGevuraTifferetNetzahHodYesodMalchut, and their combinations. In the same way that languageexpresses any thought with a limited number of letters in the alphabet, so are the combinations of the ten Sefirot sufficient to describe every spiritual action or object.


Know Three Boundaries That Serve as Landmarks for the Spiritual Sailor

There are four levels of perception (or attainment) in our world:

1) Matter,
2) Form in Matter,
3) Abstract Form, and
4) Essence.

These four levels of attainment also exist in each of the ten Sefirot.  However, there are three clear boundaries one should always keep in mind, connected to the four levels of perception (or attainment) in our world.  Understanding what these boundaries, or limitations, are will help you appreciate just what it is that The Zohar researches, and what it does not.

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Why You Are Here: The Reason You Exist

Why You Are Here: The Reason You Exist

The Purpose of Your Existence

The Book of Zohar explains that we exist in a single, vast system, called “Nature” or Elokim [God], yet we sense only a fraction of that system, a fraction called “this world.”

The purpose of our existence is to rise above the boundaries of this world and feel the entirety of the system known as “Nature,” the upper force. When we achieve this degree, we will be filled with abundance, infinite pleasure and light, with sublime perception and understanding, a sense of balance, wholeness, and harmony as they exist in the overall Nature.

To understand what we must do to arrive at all this bounty, The Zohar recommends that we examine Nature’s conduct from a slightly broader angle than usual.


How You Can Consciously Evolve in a Healthy Way

Our world is a closed world. We exist in a single, general system whose every part is interconnected. We cannot consider ourselves above Nature and omnipotent; it is a sure way of destroying ourselves. We also cannot escape Nature because we are an integral part of it. Hence, we must study the general law of Nature and go hand in hand with it.

Our urge to evolve is wonderful, but we must do it in the right way, towards a healthy connection between us and the rest of creation in a way that does not violate the harmony and the overall balance of Nature. This, in fact, is the basis of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Observing Nature teaches us that all living organisms are built on the basis of caring for others. Cells in an organism connect to each other by mutual giving for the purpose of sustaining the whole organism. Each cell in the body receives what it needs for its existence and spends the rest of its efforts caring for the entirety of the organism. An inconsiderate cell that does not take its environment into consideration and harnesses it for its own good is a cancerous cell. Such a selfish act eventually leads to the death of the entire organism.

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The Real Reason Why Kabbalah Was Hidden for 1,000s of Years

The Real Reason Why Kabbalah Was Hidden for 1,000s of Years

The History of Kabbalah’s Concealment

The wisdom of Kabbalah as a partial method was established by Abraham the patriarch in ancient Babylon. Since Abraham’s time some 3,800 years ago, until approximately 2,000 years ago, the wisdom of Kabbalah was known only to the people of Israel. Since the ruin of the Temple approximately 2,000 years ago, through our generation, Kabbalah has been hidden from the public and has been secretly passed on from generation to generation among Kabbalists.

During the period when Kabbalah was concealed, various stigmas were attributed to it. It was considered mysticism, witchcraft, magic, etc., but no one knew what it was really about, hence the false notions. Also, the thriving present-day industry that uses the name “Kabbalah” to market services and products has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual essence of the wisdom of Kabbalah.


Today Anyone, Anywhere, Can Study Kabbalah

But the time of concealment has ended. Today, the original wisdom of Kabbalah is resurfacing for all people, regardless of age, sex, religion or race. Kabbalah is a higher science. It does not belong to any religion or faith, nor does it pose any boundaries or limitations to one who wishes to study it. Any person who wishes to understand the world he or she lives in, to know the soul, to know one’s fate and to learn how to govern it is welcome to study Kabbalah.

“If my people heeded me … they would delve in the study of The Book of Zohar … with nine-year-old infants,”5 said Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Yehuda of Komarno as early as the 19th century. Following him, other Kabbalists recommended teaching this knowledge to children from a young age, giving them an explanation of the world that surrounds them, the connections among its parts, and the forces that affect it. Through such education grows a confident human being connected to the source of abundance, feeling in control of one’s life. Such a person knows how to best use these forces, and understands that life is unlimited.

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