Education Center Students Talk About Going To Their First Convention

Kabbalah Education Center students talk about their experiences in preparing for and going to their first convention.

A convention based on achieving the deepest levels of connection among people is a completely different event to any other. New experiences, feelings and perceptions open up in the person that have never been previously felt in their life. Everyone who prepares themselves for these new impressions always leaves the convention with something way beyond what they expected. The 3 students in this clip reflect on some of the doubts they had coming up to their first convention, and how they became resolved at the event. Certainly, for all you first-timers coming to the upcoming We! 2011 World Kabbalah Convention, you can most likely relate to some of these doubts being mentioned in the clip.

If it’s your first-time, feel free to share your own experiences or questions coming up to this convention in the comment section below.

If you’ve attended a convention before, feel free to write your own experience of doubt coming up to the convention, the preparation that took place, and what the convention did to these doubts.

We look forward to seeing your responses.

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Recording Artists Dedicate WE! Anthem To A Breakthrough In Human Connection

Friend Yaakov improvises as a human cymbal stand for WE! drummer Yuval Edoot

The work is mutual, the intention is steadfast, and the desire is for WE! to experience the connection.

The recording of the WE! Convention anthem was bristling with obstacles, but its three lead musicians are no strangers to stumbling blocks and met each with positive enthusiasm. For these experienced Kabbalah students, strife is joy in disguise and is greeted like a gift just waiting to be unwrapped. Their passionate desire is for all people to overcome their hurdles with happy anticipation and they intend for WE! to show them how.

Seth Breitman, the anthem’s lead vocalist called an emergency mission to flesh out the skeleton of a song idea he had with fellow artists Jacob Seligmann and Yuval Edoot. One broken guitar, a busted snare drum, and a dilapidated recording room later the team launched an international collaboration to finalize the song with a holy objective: to unite WE! attendees into a force that blows through the barricade between this world and the spiritual world.

It was no small assignment, and as for the song? It’s called “WE Rise!” and you can find it here, but the breakthrough can only be experienced at WE! – the 2011 World Kabbalah Convention.

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