New Phone Hotline for WE! Convention Questions

WE Convention Hotline
Judy Hobart heads up volunteer phone network to answer WE! questions

Demand drives international collaboration to set-up phone operator network.

It seems the whole world is buzzing with curiosity about the upcoming WE! Convention and in an unprecedented move, an international team of volunteer phone workers led by Judy Hobart is now available for help and questions. The phone hotline is open 8:00 am until 10:00 pm EST Monday through Sunday. The phone number is 1-800- 540-3234.

Register for WE! – the 2011 World Kabbalah Convention here.

Artist Coordinates Children’s Art Exhibit For WE! Convention

Kabbalah Children Art Exhibit
Children of Kabbalah students produce artwork for exhibit at WE! Convention

Unity and harmony are themes for creativity sessions led by New York artist.

Step into artist Yelena Kimelblat’s Brooklyn studio every other weekend and observe the world unfold in its unified and harmonious state as seen through the eyes of children. Ms. Kimelblat’s personal artistic abilities exploded in a Kabbalistic journey of self-discovery three years ago and now she leads the children of area Kabbalah students in bimonthly “creativity sessions” that teach the joy of group expression.

The children come together in a boisterous group that settles down into a quiet and harmonious collaboration to produce a single painting. Their work is contagious and often proves irresistible to parents who join in to share moments frequently described as “amazing.” The finished artwork consistently exceeds expectations and when on display, is known to make even the most harried New Yorker slow down to take a look.

The children’s work will be on exhibit at the WE! Convention site. In addition, Ms. Kimelblat will conduct two free creativity sessions during the event for the children of attendees. Register for WE! – the 2011 World Kabbalah Convention here.


This is the WE! Convention Theme Song, freshly written & recorded by Seth Breitman, who’ll be one of the many friends attending the convention, and performing in the cultural evenings.