The Burning Need Today to Rise to a New Level

The Burning Need Today to Rise to a New Level

Today, we are compelled to rise to a new level. In order to do so, all of nature’s forces are concentrated on our ascent, urging and forcing us to rise. The wisdom of Kabbalah has become revealed in order to helps us rise and exit to the next level.


How Will We Build a Future Society?

Firstly, we must get a general idea about our world’s state today in order to understand where it is sliding, and what precipice it is heading to. Secondly, we must realize that we, humanity, have no way of overcoming any problem.

The solution is to become like nature. Nature is entirely global and integral. We are all mutually linked around the world. We thus need to have the same form as nature. Then, we will reach wholeness.

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Questioning the Meaning of Life? Kabbalah Can Help

Questioning the Meaning of Life_Kabbalah Can Help

Kabbalah answers the question about the meaning of life. In reality, this question is very important. It is because in my search for an answer to this question, I primarily examine myself. Do I have the right attitude toward life in everything that I do?

I have the desire for pleasure that obligates me to create a family, have children, and care for them, my work, my future, my parents, my close environment, my city, my country, and maybe even the entire world. All this is only so that I suffer less.

So, can I take the reins? If not, can I at least analyze the situation, understand why it is happening and for what purpose? On the other hand, should I even strive upward? Read More »

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Here’s a New Way of Looking at Changing Your Life

Here’s a New Way of Looking at Changing Your Life

Bringing a New Meaning to “Life-Changer”

There is no such thing in existence as a rigidly defined reality, because all of reality depends on us. This is the first lesson we have to learn. The picture you perceive, see and live in is simply a movie that is being played to you, but you cannot get up and leave.

You are used to it; you’ve lived in it since you were born and you sense it as your life, as if it’s real.

However, one day you find that you have become terribly bored with this movie because your desires have evolved or the suffering that is being shown to you has become unbearable and you crave to rise above it and see something else, some other movie. You long to change the movie.

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What Is Unique About the Jewish Holidays in 2014 as Opposed to Other Years?

Dr. Michael Laitman discusses what is so unique about Jewish holidays in 2014 as opposed to Jewish holidays in other years with Like a Bundle of Reeds executive editor, Chaim Ratz.

Like a Bundle of Reeds is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics:

  • Are we Jews different from other nations?
  • Why was I born Jewish?
  • Why is there anti-Semitism?
  • Could the Holocaust happen again?
  • What can I do?
  • Why are there Jews?

Yom Kippur Explained [Video]

Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the Yom Kippur holiday and the story of Jonah with “Like A Bundle of Reeds” executive editor, Chaim Ratz.

“Like A Bundle of Reeds” is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics, among others:

  • Are Jews different from other nations?
  • Why is there anti-Semitism?
  • Could the Holocaust happen again?
  • What can I do?
  • Why are there Jews?

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