KabU Q&A Event with Tony Kosinec and Julian Edwards – March 28, 2018

Recording of the KabU Live Q&A event with Tony Kosinec and Julian Edwards that took place on Wednesday, March 28.

World Kabbalah Convention 2018 in North America, Early Bird Discount

After starting your journey into the wisdom of Kabbalah with KabU’s free courses, you can join in live Q&A sessions with KabU instructors such as Tony Kosinec and Julian Edwards, and get your questions answered.

This Q&A session introduced the 2018 World Kabbalah Convention as the best possible action a Kabbalah student could do in order to see results from the spiritual path.

The activities at a World Kabbalah Convention contribute to forming the strongest spiritual environment for accelerating a person’s spiritual progress.

We’d love to see you at this year’s World Kabbalah Convention in New Jersey!

? Find out more about the convention
? Get your convention tickets (earlybird discount till mid-April)

Having taught over 180,000 students worldwide, KabU is the number one authority for authentic Kabbalah, combining intellectual study with an emotionally transformative experience.

KabU was founded by Bnei Baruch (Kabbalah.info), a global educational organization dedicated to the mission of its founder Kabbalist and global thinker Dr. Michael Laitman to bring balance and fulfillment to the world.

All KabU instructors are advanced students of Dr. Laitman with years of experience developing study programs, writing books and articles and teaching Kabbalah.

Structure of Creation Course | Lesson 6 – General Overview – From Ein Sof to You and Back

Structure of Creation 6B

The Series “General Overview” is a six lesson documentary given by Dr. Michael Laitman to his students on the topic of the Structure of Upper Worlds. The series clarifies the process of creation of the spiritual worlds, from the Initial Thought of Creation, through the creation of the soul of Adam HaRishon and its shattering, up to the development of Man in our world. It also includes the awakening of desire for spirituality in our times. The series is mostly based on the article “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” by the Kabbalist, Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag.


Lesson 6 – General Overview – From Ein Sof to You and Back

Up to now, we have clarified the issue of the cascading of the Upper worlds from the Initial Thought of Creation to “do good unto His created beings.” In this section, we’ll review the entire process of the cascading and clarify the connection between the Spiritual World and the corporeal world.

What Is Life?

DOES LIFE HAVE A MEANING? Why are so many people suffering? What happens to us when we die? Where did we come from? Authentic Kabbalah was made to answer these and all of life’s deepest questions. Take a tour of the laws shaping your life. Discover insights the ancient Kabbalists had into nature’s program and the purpose behind it. In this two hour lecture, we’re going to debunk the many myths surrounding Kabbalah, answer your questions, and explain how you can take the first step into the path of spiritual attainment using Kabbalah’s most practical methodology.

Click banner below for INFO & REGISTRATION
