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January 11, 2025

Archive for Quotes

Do You Apply Nature’s Principle of Survival and Well-Being to Your Life?


The human body is possibly the most vivid example of the modus operandi of yielding self-interest before the interest of the host system in return for the system’s protection. In the human body, as in any organism, each cell has a particular role. For the organism to persist, each cell must perform its function to the best of its ability and replace the goal of maintaining its own life with the goal of maintaining the life of its host organism.

If a cell begins to act contrary to that principle, its interests will soon clash with those of the body and the body’s defense mechanisms will destroy it. Otherwise, it is likely to create a tumor of insubordinate cells that strive to consume the body’s resources for their own benefit. When such a process occurs, we diagnose it as “cancer.”

If the cancer wins, the body dies and the tumor dies along with it. If the body wins and the cancer dies, the body persists, along with the cells of the organ that did not become malignant, and the self-centered cells are extinguished. This is Nature’s failsafe mechanism for ensuring that self-centered systems will not exist. Here, too, there is nothing miraculous; it is simply that self-centered mechanisms invariably consume themselves to extinction because they end up consuming their food supply.

Thus, it is in the interest of all cells in the body to dispose of the tumor. Put differently, to guarantee the survival of elements in a system, the elements in that system must cater to the well-being of the system before they cater to their own well-being. In return, the system will cater to their well-being and provide for their survival.

The principle explained just now is valid not only for particles, atoms, and organisms, but for all of life. By applying it, all elements in Nature learn to yield their self-centered natures to an altruistic nature, which considers the good of the collective before its own good.

How can you and humanity as a whole learn examples from nature in order to best survive and prosper? This topic and more are tackled in the Free Kabbalah Course, 20 lessons that will change your life in 10 weeks. The course just started and registration closes soon. Don’t miss out!…

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10 Kabbalah Quote Wallpapers You Can Share on Your Social Feeds

Kabbalah Quote 1

1) When a certain thought about the meaning of life awakens in us, it’s a sign that the Creator has invited us to contact Him.


Kabbalah Quote 2

2) The only requirement for studying Kabbalah is a sincere desire to discover the meaning of life.


Kabbalah Quote 3

3) You shall see your world in your lifetime.



4) We think, feel and imagine what we feel close to, what we really want. This is our internal life.


Kabbalah Quote 5

5) Pain pushes us forward. Whether we feel depressed, empty or confused, all bad feelings appear in order to make us think about their purpose.


Kabbalah Quote 6

6) Happiness is achievable beyond our egoism, neither within the ego nor by suppressing the ego.


Kabbalah Quote 7

7) The visual arts are the most powerful means of influence. For this reason, a shift in our thinking must begin with what we see.


Kabbalah Quote 8

8) We can easily see that changing our attitude toward others will lead us to the resolution of the problems on the social-human degree. This will mean the end of war, the end of violence and terrorism, and the end of general animosity among people.


Kabbalah Quote 9

9) Changing one’s attitude from self concern to global concern affects the whole system positively and ensures its survival.


Kabbalah Quote 10

10) Our attitudes to society and life must go through a complete change. We will then discover that there’s an abundance of every resource in nature.

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The 2 Forces At The Heart Of Life – Insightful Quotes


This video animates the following quote from the book Bail Yourself Out: How You Can Emerge Strong from the World Crisis by Dr. Michael Laitman:

“Humanity, like the universe, is a perfect system comprised of myriad elements that interact with each other. Just as billions of galaxies make up the universe, billions of people combine to make up humanity. And just as there are stars, within each galaxy, there are people within nations and states. And the organs, tissue, and cells within each person’s body are like the planets, comets and asteroids orbiting their suns.

Expansion and contraction form the endless ebb and flow of life, propelled at one moment by the desire to give, and at the next moment by the desire to receive. Whether it is galaxies, suns, and planets merging to form our universe or cells, tissue, and organs combining to form a human being, this interplay of desires is at the heart of creation

As with the stars, Planet Earth evolved by expansion and contraction through the interaction of desires. When Earth was first formed, its surface reflected the flow of expansion and the ebb of contraction. Every time the desire to give prevailed, Earth’s sweltering interior would burst into rivers of malted lava. And every time the receiving force prevailed, the lava would cool and form new swaths of land. Eventually, a strong enough crust was formed over the Earth to allow for the emergence of life as we know it

If we search deep enough, we will find the same two forces—giving and receiving—within every being ever created, weaving their magnificent garment of life. In the weaving process, the desire to give first creates matter, as with the Big Bang or a newborn baby, and the desire to receive gives the matter shape, as with the stars and the differentiating cells in organism.”

Free Kabbalah Course - Self-Study & Live Interactive Classes in the Wisdom of Kabbalah

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Rediscovering Our Unity

Kabbalah Revealed: The Ordinary Person’s Guide to a More Peaceful Life
Rediscovering Our Unity

An Excerpt from the Book Kabbalah Revealed

Originally, all people were internally connected. We felt and thought of ourselves as a single human being, and this is exactly how Nature treats us. However, despite our initial oneness, as our egoism grew we gradually lost the sensation of unity and became increasingly distant from each other.

Kabbalah books write that Nature’s plan is for our egoism to keep growing until we realize that we have become separated and hateful to one another. The logic behind the plan is that we must first feel as a single entity, and then become separated into egoistic and detached individuals. Only then will we realize that we are completely opposite from the Creator, and utterly selfish.

Moreover, this is the only way for us to realize that egoism is negative, unfulfilling, and ultimately hopeless. Our egoism separates us from each other and from Nature. But to change that, we must first realize that this is the case. This will bring us to want to change, and to independently find a way to transform ourselves into altruists, reconnected with all of humanity and with Nature—the Creator.

Read/Download the Book – Kabbalah Revealed: The Ordinary Person’s Guide to a More Peaceful Life:
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* Purchase at Kabbalahbooks.info

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!

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Mercy and Truth

Peace in the World

What is the attribute of mercy? Our sages defined it as: “what’s mine is yours and what’s your is yours.” And if all the people in the world were to behave that way, it would cancel all the glory of the attribute of truth and judgment, because if each and everyone would be naturally willing to give everything he has to his fellow man and take nothing of another for himself, then the whole interest in lying to one another would disappear, and there would be no room to speak of the attribute of truth whatsoever, because true and false are relative – and if there were no falsehood in the world, there would be no concept of truth. Needless to say that the other attributes that are there only to strengthen the attribute of truth because of its weakness, would also be cancelled.

Truth is defined in the words: “what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours.” That contradicts the attribute of mercy and cannot altogether tolerate it because in truth, it is unjust to labor and strain for another, because besides causing his friend to fail, he accustoms him to exploit his fellow man. Thus, truth dictates that every person treasure his own assets for a time of need so he will not have to be a burden on his fellow man. more…

Baal HaSulam, Peace in the World.

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!

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