Humanity’s Next State is Rising Above Ourselves for the Sake of Our Common Unity [Kabbalah Quote]
Humanity’s next state is rising above ourselves
for the sake of our common unity.
Humanity’s next state is rising above ourselves
for the sake of our common unity.
Dr. Michael Laitman: In principle, this is what the great commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” talks about. You were instinctively made to feel what a mother is – the safest, kindest place in the world. You might already be a grownup, but you still instinctively aspire to this feeling just like a child.
So make the world be like that!
If you think that finding the love of fairytales will make you happy, think again. The love of fairytales isn’t really love, but the use of others for self satisfaction.
What we normally call love is the egoistic satisfaction of one person by another, whether it’s sexual satisfaction or any other kind of fulfillment we receive from another person. And clearly, this isn’t love.
Then what is love? Love is when you don’t pay any attention to yourself, but you take the desires of another person and try to fulfill them in exactly the way they would like. In other words, you turn yourself into a vessel of fulfillment for the other person. This is real love, and it exists only in the spiritual world. And there is no difference if it is a man or a woman – what’s important are the desires, the soul.
When men and women work together toward the spiritual goal, they build their connection at an entirely different level – a spiritual level. In doing so, they transcend their mundane conflicts and differences, since they have a higher goal that fills their lives with content. When a man and a woman bond for the purpose of attaining a higher goal, they create a spiritual vessel between them, which doesn’t exist in reality. This vessel is neither feminine nor masculine, but a new vessel, in which they receive the sublime abundance – eternal and complete.
Such a life is unattainable alone. Couples who understand that mutual spiritual growth is the most precious gift that they can give to one another are the happiest couples. Their relationship acquires a deeper and genuine meaning, and they march together on a path of happiness and fulfillment.
What is the attribute of mercy? Our sages defined it as: “what’s mine is yours and what’s your is yours.” And if all the people in the world were to behave that way, it would cancel all the glory of the attribute of truth and judgment, because if each and everyone would be naturally willing to give everything he has to his fellow man and take nothing of another for himself, then the whole interest in lying to one another would disappear, and there would be no room to speak of the attribute of truth whatsoever, because true and false are relative – and if there were no falsehood in the world, there would be no concept of truth. Needless to say that the other attributes that are there only to strengthen the attribute of truth because of its weakness, would also be cancelled.
Truth is defined in the words: “what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours.” That contradicts the attribute of mercy and cannot altogether tolerate it because in truth, it is unjust to labor and strain for another, because besides causing his friend to fail, he accustoms him to exploit his fellow man. Thus, truth dictates that every person treasure his own assets for a time of need so he will not have to be a burden on his fellow man.
Baal HaSulam (Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag), in “Peace in the World.”
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