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February 5, 2025

Archive for Quotes

Find the Light Billions of Times Greater than All the Pleasures of the World

Find the Light Billions of Times Greater than All the Pleasures of the World

Practically speaking, all of our songs about love, our poetry and all our emotions; all this is our longing for the micro-dose of light that is in our world and that shines on us from various forms of our world. [Tweet This]


The “Big Bang” is the result of a tiny spark of Upper Light that infiltrated our world and caused our whole universe. And it was merely a tiny spark! We need to understand that spiritual revelation is something infinitely stupendous, and we need to prepare our empty desires for it. Even the smallest pleasure which we receive upon ascending to the first spiritual degree out of 125 is billions of times greater than all the pleasures of our world combined. A great inner work awaits us, and yet it is incredibly easy only if we do it together with love. This union determines everything!

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How to Use the Hidden Power of The Zohar to Unlock Nature’s Laws

How to Use the Hidden Power of The Zohar

The Zohar expresses the system of Nature’s laws that flow down in a cause and effect chain from one law in Nature to direct this world.
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In order to understand what the holy Book of Zohar talks about, we must first acquire the same nature as that of the Kabbalists who wrote The Zohar. We have to rely on the power hidden in this book, which influences the reader. We will then receive the Light that Reforms, which will influence and change our nature. There are two forms of nature: reception and bestowal, and both are described using the same words, symbols, and letters. To the extent that our nature changes, we will understand what The Zohar talks about. It will suddenly become clear and the book will be revealed to us.

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How to Get the Light That Connects the Impossible

How to Get the Light That Connects the Impossible

Philosophy has placed a lot of effort into proving that the corporeal is produced by the spiritual, that the soul begets the body. This is, of course, nothing more than philosophy’s invention.

The spiritual has nothing to do with the corporeal; there is no connection between them whatsoever.
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It’s necessary to separate the two worlds. However, they aren’t separate in and of themselves, but only relative the person who attains them. Outside a person, there is only the general Light. Once a person attains the Upper World, through it he sees our world, and he is no longer confused about the origin of everything that happens and about the connections between all parts of the world.

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How’s the View in You

How’s the View in You

We see a wide world before us, wondrously filled. But in fact, we see all that only in our own interior.
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We actually see and feel everything within ourselves, and there’s nothing on the outside. Take our sense of sight for example: we see a great world before us. But in fact, we do not see all that except in our own interior. Hence, a person may have no eyes, but still be able to see. So why do we need eyes? In order to have the illusion that there is something in front of us!

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One Force That Quiets Any Crisis

One Force That Quiets Any Crisis

Uniting in a time of crisis will require recognizing life’s force & a mutual effort to cooperate and collaborate, to live by this force.
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Humankind’s problem is to balance each person’s excessive desires with nature, to become an integral part of it and act as a single organism. Put differently, humankind’s task is to become altruistic. The world’s perfection lies in the unity of its elements; it is accomplished only through co-existence of all parts of nature, and while each part works to sustain the entire system.

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