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February 27, 2025

Archive for Perception of Reality

According to Kabbalah: The Power of Faith

According to Kabbalah_The Power of Faith

From Despair We Turn to the Creator

At the beginning of our paths, we lack the capacity to perceive the Creator, since we have no altruistic qualities. Nonetheless, we begin to feel the existence of a supreme, omnipotent force governing the world, and we turn to this force in moments of utter despair. We do this instinctively.

We are given this special quality by the Creator so that, even in the face of anti-religious upbringing and outlook, we could begin to discover Him even from the state of absolute concealment.

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The Hidden Spiritual Worlds Can Be Bought, but You Must Know How

The Hidden Spiritual Worlds Can Be Bought, but You Must Know How

Interpreting the Bible’s Story of Abraham and Sarah Correctly

It is told in the Bible that Abraham declared that Sarah was his sister, and not his wife, because he feared that he would be killed so that she could become available to others.

Since Kabbalah equates the entire world to one person, because the soul was divided into 600,000 parts only in order to simplify the attainment of the ultimate goal, Abraham is regarded as the personification of the faith within us.

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How to Get the Creator to Help You Advance Spiritually

How to Get the Creator to Help You Advance Spiritually

2 Things to Ask for When Obstacles Appear

When we experience obstacles in our advance toward the Creator, we must ask the following of the Creator:

1. That the Creator remove all the obstacles, which He Himself sends, so that we can overcome them by our own means, and not be in need of greater spiritual strengths than we already possess.

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The Unique Role of Kabbalists in the World

The Unique Role of Kabbalists in the World

The Connection in Between Spiritual and Physical Actions

If Kabbalah centers only on the spiritual work that takes place in our minds and hearts, asserting that our spiritual progress depends solely on these factors, then what is the relation between our observance of religious rituals and the goal of creation?

Since all the commandments of the Bible are actually descriptions of a Kabbalist’s spiritual actions when in the higher realms, then by observing them physically in our world—even though it has no impact on the spiritual worlds— we are physically carrying out the Will of the Creator.

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What it Takes to Undergo Spiritual Birth

What it Takes to Undergo Spiritual Birth

Existing Against the Desires of the Body

“You are coerced to be born, coerced to live, and coerced to die.” This is the way it happens in our world. But all that happens in our world is the result of the events that take place in the spiritual worlds. There is, however, no direct analogy or likeness between the two realms.

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