Crossing the Machsom!

The Machsom: Numbers and Statistics
Taken from

Machsom (Hebrew for “barrier”) is the barrier that stands between this world and the spiritual world. Here’s what Rav Michael Laitman wrote about the Machsom in this must read post…

A question I received: You’ve been the leader and mentor of the Bnei Baruch group for nearly twenty years. Maybe it’s time to make a public summary? How many people have crossed the Machsom over this period of time, and how has the world changed as a consequence? Or is this no longer the objective today? Are you now simply trying to change the world without your students’ personal correction?

I understand that this question will be deleted, but at least someone will read it. But if you do decide to publish an answer, then please don’t beat around the bush: give us real numbers and results, and the actual improvement in the world.

My Answer:

* Number of students in the world – around 2,000,000.
* Number of groups in the world – 73.
* Number of people who have crossed the Machsom – 19.
* Number of people who are about to cross the Machsom – 210. The rest will cross it by the year 2012.
* Annual growth of students – 700-900%.
* Number of hopeless students – 1. It’s you.

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Will Project 10^100 Change the World?

Do You Think Project 10^100 Will Change the World? If So Let’s Define Some of the Problems

Hi everyone, thank you for your posts and comments. We are still working diligently on formulating the best solutions for the world crises, as per Google’s Project 10^100. Here’s an interesting e-mail we’ve just received from a person in Brazil:

“Unreasonable use of our natural and human resources drove us to the world’s crises. It’s up to humans to make the decision to start utilizing all the earthly resources in a way that will guarantee the survival and development of humankind and other species on the planet.

Why does it seem like we are incapable of taking the right decisions for our own good? We must develop our awareness to the root of our problem: exploitation of natural and human resources for egoistical purposes.

Therefore, I suggest that Google would create an Online Supranational Court of Judgment. This Court would accept accusations of egoistical actions committed by authorities, governments, powerful individuals or companies which would be notified to present their defenses. All cases would be openly examined by a committee of worldly known intellectuals (scientists, spiritualists, humanists). After reading the committee’s analysis, users would vote on the action in the following way: H- human, or E – egoist.

Continue reading “Will Project 10^100 Change the World?”

Project 10 to the 100th by Google

There are only TEN DAYS left for the Project 10 to the 100th by Google – and we’d love to have your help.


For the past few days, we at Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, have been working on a suitable idea for Project 10 to the 100th by Google. In general, Google is looking for ideas to help make the world a better place, and we would love to see that happen.

After all, we are now in the midst of an economic crisis, which is one of the many problems that the world is witnessing today. So, we will be using Kabbalah Blog to create an opportunity for meaningful discussions about the world problems and any solutions that may be possible.

For the next ten days we will be posting our ideas for the Project 10 to the 100th, and we’d love to hear your comments on them, and any ideas of your own. Let’s start a dialog on the most important thing in the world – helping the world itself.

Related Material:
*Check out the second blog entry in this series
*Check out the third blog entry in this series
*Check out the fourth blog entry in this series

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Ask a Kabbalist Questions at Banner
Kabbalah and the Meaning of Life: Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog

Read a Kabbalist’s personal impressions of the spiritual world, his take on current events, ask whatever you like, and much, much more.

Ask the Kabbalist
One of the features of Michael Laitman’s personal blog is the ability to ask him whatever you like, and also, see the questions he is answering from people like you all around the world. Here’s a sample…

* A question answered on April 6th: Why do you reveal all of this secret knowledge to gentiles? Go To Answer>>

* A question answered on April 4th: How did man evolve on Earth? You wrote that millions of years ago a primitive man appeared on Earth. How did he get here? Go To Answer>>

* A question answered on April 3rd: What do you mean by saying that sex is the root of all our desires? What does Kabbalah have to say about everything that’s going on today surrounding sex, like pornography, prostitution, and so on? Go To Answer>>

* A question answered on March 31st: Do you think increasing availability of information instantly over the Internet and the advent of mobile devices such as the iPhone will increase interest in Kabbalah, and how do you perceive the future of human technology as a vehicle for attainment of the Upper Light? Go To Answer>>

Want to ask Michael Laitman a question? Click here to go directly to the question asking form

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