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February 26, 2025

Archive for Music

MUSIC: LeHagid ba Boker Hasdecha

Listen to the file by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:

LeHagid ba Boker Hasdecha
a song by Baal HaSulam
LeHagid Ba Boker Hasdecha

In the spiritual there are also states called “day,” “evening,” and “morning,” only that, in the spiritual, all of them happen because man himself creates “day,” “night,” and all of the times; he puts himself through all these states by himself. If he does not take himself through these states, if he does not push himself, does not advance, then time does not pass, for there is no time in the spiritual. There are only actions, cause and effect.

So until one “goes to sleep,” in the spiritual sense, meaning, disconnects from the spiritual reality and puts himself into drowsiness, disconnection from the spiritual – the Creator, the Upper Forces – a question arises: “Due to what will he awaken again?” This is why one performs special corrections whereby he prepares the desire to “rise” inside of himself. If one prepares himself correctly, the Upper Light comes against these desires and awakens him, just as the sun awakens us in the mornings. However, without the Light that comes from above, one will not be able to wake up.

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, in the film Melodies of the Upper Worlds – Part 1. View it free at Kabbalah TV under “Films.”

Click here to download the file “LeHagid ba Boker Hasdecha”

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MUSIC: Ki Halatzta Nafshi

Listen to the quartet version for violin, bassoon, guitar and piano by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:

Ki Halatzta Nafshi
a song by Baal HaSulam
Ki Halatzta Nafshi

1. Download Instrumental Version
2. Download Version Performed by the band “Bnei Baruch”
3. Download Quartet Version for violin, bassoon, guitar and piano.

The melody to this song was composed by Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash).

Perhaps this melody seems sad, but the truth is that it is not sad, it is tender, and it expresses the feeling of someone who entered the property of Bina – bestowal, the properties of the Creator – where there are no cries and everything rests in peace. Rabash expresses the entering into this state through this melody, when he undoubtedly sees that all of his Kelim, his entire soul, all of his desires submit to this Upper Force and begin to reign in it.

It is a short song that sings about serene peace, about a man entering the Upper Force and staying there in the state of absolute, eternal rest.

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MUSIC: Chasal Seder Pesach

Listen to the acid jazz version performed by the band “Bnei Baruch” by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:

Chasal Seder Pesach
a song by Baal HaSulam
Chasal Seder Pesach

1. Download Instrumental version
2. Download Acid jazz version performed by the band “Bnei Baruch”
3. Download Version sung by Rav Baruch Ashlag

Chasal Seder Pesach expresses the state of a person in the beginning of his path: full of energy, ready for this journey, and knows that the process of correction lies ahead, until he corrects himself to receive the Light, the Torah. But in exodus from Egypt, rising above his nature, he already sees a full guarantee that, with the help from above, he has the power and he is able to, in all that is prepared for him, pass these 49 gates, corrections, the so called Lag Ba Omer (the 33rd day of Omer), in the middle and all the days of Omer in order to come to the reception of the Torah, to Shavuot (Pentecost), for then the entire Kli (vessel/tool/receptacle) of man will be ready for the 50th gate, and he will be worthy of receiving the Light.

This is a fairly simple song. It particularly symbolizes one’s readiness to go and pass all Sefirot of Omer – the entire correction of the Kelim (plural for Kli)that we must perform in each Sefira, in each of these 49 states.

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