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February 26, 2025

Archive for Music

MUSIC: Bnei Heichala

Listen to the metal-ambient version performed by the band “Bnei Baruch” by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:

Bnei Heichala
a song by Baal HaSulam
Bnei Heichala

* Download the metal-ambient version performed by the band “Bnei Baruch”
* Download the 1st instrumental version
* Download the 2nd instrumental version
* Download the Rabash vocal version
* Download the live version performed by the Bnei Baruch small ensemble
* Download the midi version

Bnei Heichala means “the sons of King’s Palace,” those desiring to reach the Palace of the King. The King’s Palace is Bina—the property of bestowal, the force of the Creator, the spiritual. The sons are those who yearn to resemble the King in their properties, to become like Him. The word for “Son” (Ben) derives from the word for “understands” (Havana). They yearn to understand the King, and though their understanding, come closer to Him and feel Him.

Hence, Bnei Heichala are the souls aspiring to attain the state of uniting the King in His Palace, and to do so, they are ready to pass the entire system of corrections, change themselves from the beginning until the end—from the nature in which they were created to the nature of the King, as it is written: “Returned the sons of Israel to the height of their God.” This is what this song is about.

* FILM: Melodies of the Upper Worlds – Part 1 – features melodies of the 20th century’s greatest Kabbalist, Baal HaSulam, with explanations of how these melodies relate to the inner, personal quest for discovering the Upper Worlds—the source of our existence.

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Love Songs – a Bond of Love & Unity Shared through Kabbalistic Song

Singing the Worlds Beyond

When a Kabbalist experiences the Upper World, he or she enters another realm of reality. Past, present, and future merge into a single stream of life, and the Kabbalist experiences all the souls united in the eternal love of the Single Force that operates and governs life.

But most of all, a Kabbalist discovers that being in the spiritual reality is possible only through the bond of love between the Kabbalist and all other souls. It is for this love that Kabbalists try so diligently to share their spiritual experiences with us. Their sole wish is that we, too, will discover and feel the kind of life offered when we bond with the Creator of reality. In their songs, they call this “being filled with the Upper Light.” more…

Kabbalah Music Links:

* Singing the Worlds Beyond – an Article in Kabbalah Today issue 10 about Kabbalistic music
* Melodies of Baal HaSulam – authentic Kabbalistic music of the great 20th century Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam)
* Music Inspired by Kabbalah – music inspired by Kabbalah materials on this site by students of Bnei Baruch
* What Is Kabbalistic Music? – videos and articles explaining what is Kabbalistic music

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MUSIC: One Man

Listen to the file by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:

Bnei Baruch ARI Online St. Louis Retreat, Oct. 2007

Inspired by the worldwide gathering of friends at the recent Bnei Baruch ARI Online retreat that took place in St. Louis, Missouri, Seth Breitman prepared this new song “One Man” together with two friends, Haim Cotton (NY) and Dima Graziani (Toronto) to celebrate the unity and bonding beyond all barriers that one achieves through studying Kabbalah.

“When I heard that 150 of us from around the world were going to meet for a weekend in the States, I needed to compose a song. Any gathering of friends stirs a feeling of unity. What made our retreat unique was that the thought that each of us carried in our lessons, at the meals, and at the bonfire, was the thought that our friends should be completely fulfilled. When each one relates to the others as an integral part of one unified organism, each has what he needs and has no worry, for he is supported by those that surround him.” –Seth

Click Here to Download “One Man” (MP3)
Click Here to Visit the “Music Inspired by Kabbalah” section on Kabbalah.info
Click Here to Visit Seth Breitman on MySpace

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MUSIC: Hine ka Chomer

Listen to the file by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:

Hine ka Chomer
Melody by Baal HaSulam

Hine ka Chomer

1. Download Version by Seth Breitman and Haim Cotton
2. Download Instrumental Version
3. Download Vocal Version performed by Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash)

“Those who sing praises at night raise, by their singing, all whose soul sings that song.

When the lower ones begin life by song, the Upper Ones help the lower ones with power, so that the lower ones realize and attain what the mortals are not able to attain. Earth and heavens, Zeir Anpin and Nukva, rise by this power, thanks to this singing.”

The Sulam Commentary on The Zohar, Shemot, pg. 104.

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MUSIC: Tzadik ke Tamar Ifrach

Listen to the file by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:

Tzadik ke Tamar Ifrach
a song by Baal HaSulam
Tzadik ke Tamar Ifrach

1. Download Instrumental Version
2. Download Electronic Version performed by the band “Bnei Baruch”
3. Download Instrumental Version performed by the band “Bnei Baruch”
4. Download Vocal Version performed by Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash)

Basically, there are two states in every song. One is the state of the Kli, the soul on which man has worked, corrected, and then attained delight and excitement; and he now sings from this delight.

This is why in Tzadik ke Tamar Ifrach there is a sensation of the previous state when one lacked fulfillment, suffered, and searched, and that he reached the state in which he knows that this is how it was supposed to be, because a righteous man eventually comes to justify the entire process through which he passed.

Thus, the rapture that comes from before being in the outermost oppositeness of sensing himself very distant from the Creator, and now entering the palace of the King, the Upper World, bursts out in his present state in the form of a melody—from within the sensation that fills him.

This sensation encompasses two opposite states: his previous, most distanced state that seems hopelessly far from the Upper, and the present state when he has reached adhesion with Him.

In essence, this song is special because what one is grateful for is not his state. Rather, one is grateful for being able to be righteous, meaning for being able to justify the Creator in all that happened to him on his path. Now he sees the causality and the pressing necessity of all the states that he passed. He understands that all of them were arranged for him from above so that he can attain this elevated state.

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD in the film “Melodies of the Upper Worlds – Part 1.” See it at Kabbalah TV in the “Films” category. You may also download the film’s transcript here.

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