Are You Ready for the Q&A Celebration Tomorrow Night?

Are You Ready for the QA Celebration Tomorrow Night

I just wanted to say a quick thank you for your willingness to participate in this event.

We never thought it would take off as much as it has, with so many questions about so many different topics.

It shows just how much more and more people are waking up to a need to see a much better world than we see today, a world with better relationships, where people can experience happiness unbounded by all of today’s accumulating pressures.

Here’s just a short selection of questions that have come in:

  • How can we change the world and make it a better place?
  • I abandoned my religion and belief in God a while ago, and I’m having trouble finding any meaning in life. What do you recommend I do?
  • How do I know who I am?
  • What does Kabbalah say about terrorism and all the terror attacks around the world?
  • I have everything I thought I wanted, and I’m still not happy. Why?

Here’s your link to attend tomorrow night:

Look forward to seeing you there!

Your friend at the Bnei Baruch
Kabbalah Education & Research Institute

Q&A Celebration – It’s Happening this Week!

Q&A Celebration_It’s Happening this Week

Can you believe that over 1,500 questions have been sent so far for the Q&A Celebration this Tuesday?

It’s really not that surprising. In a year that has hit so many people with tragedy, questions about what’s most important in life readily rise to the surface.

Kabbalah is an ancient wisdom that was made to give answers to life’s deepest questions.

Especially in our times, as it becomes growingly obvious that our past ways of dealing with all kinds of problems are stressing under the weight of a whole new era of crises.

Continue reading “Q&A Celebration – It’s Happening this Week!”

31 Questions That Were Asked in the Last Q&A Celebration

31 Questions That Were Asked in the Last Q&A Celebration

To give you a taste of what people have asked in past Q&A Celebrations, which might even inspire more questions in you, here are 31 of them we picked out:

1. What happens when we die?

2. Is Kabbalah compatible with the Christian faith?

3. What is the meaning of the fruit of Knowledge that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden?

Go Here to Ask Your Question »

4. If the common theories of evolution are correct, and if man evolved from monkeys/apes, then why are their living apes and monkeys today?

Continue reading “31 Questions That Were Asked in the Last Q&A Celebration”

Who Am I? Does God Exist? Are there Angels after Death? | Ask the Kabbalist

Who Am I? Does God Exist? | Ask the Kabbalist
Who Am I? Does God Exist? | Ask the Kabbalist
Who Am I? Does God Exist? | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 4, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • Where is my “I”? Is it outside of me, in some other dimension, where is it?
  • Does God exist?
  • What is the view of a Kabbalist in regards to quantum leap of particles?
  • Is Kabbalah Jewish mysticism?
  • After death, is there a tunnel of light and angels waiting for us?

Got a question you want Kabbalah’s answer on?

Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration on Tuesday, 5 January, 2016!…

Either click the banner or… Go Here to Ask Your Question »


Image at top: who am i? by paurian

Ask the Kabbalist Anything You Want

Ask the Kabbalist Anything You Want

As part of the build up to the live Q&A Celebration on Tuesday, 1 December, we are releasing previously unpublished episodes of Ask the Kabbalist with Dr. Michael Laitman through our blog.

We’ve already published the following episodes:

  • How Kabbalah Helps You in Everyday Life
  • How to Cross the Barrier into the Spiritual World
  • Why Are Wars on the Rise?
  • Besides Humans, Do Other Intelligent Life Forms Exist?
  • What Happens to the Soul After Suicide?
  • What Is the Meaning of Life?

…and we’re publishing a new one each day leading up to the Q&A Celebration on December 1.

Continue reading “Ask the Kabbalist Anything You Want”