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January 15, 2025

Archive for Love

Love is When You Don’t Pay Any Attention to Yourself [Kabbalah Quote]


Love is when you don’t pay any attention to yourself, you take the desires of another person and try to fulfill them in exactly the way they would like. 

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Contrasts – Ego and Love

 Contrast_Ego and Love

 We must not destroy anything within us.

Even the most negative attributes should remain.
We do not create anything new,
but only correct how we use
what already exists within us.

Question: Why were we created with ego in the first place, if we will eventually have to correct it?

We come to know the world by comparing opposites —hot vs. cold, black vs. white. We recognize one in relation to the other. If everything were white, we wouldn’t detect anything. Likewise, if everything were black, we wouldn’t detect anything, either.

Contrast is always necessary, the disparity between colors, sensations, and places. We sense the differences between things, but not each thing separately.

The Creator is love and bestowal. However, we will not be able to sense what bestowal is if we are not opposite to it. This is why we need the ego—“help made against him.” Being opposite from the Creator helps us know and sense the Creator.

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The One Law You Need to Know to Reach Spirituality

The One Law You Need to Know to Reach Spirituality

To Reach Spiritual Attainment, Just Follow One Law

The great sage, Rabbi Akiva, (1st century CE) said: “Love thy neighbor as thyself is the comprehensive rule of all the spiritual laws.”

When Rabbi Akiva speaks about love for our neighbor (one of many spiritual laws), about our duties with regard to society and even to the Creator as the comprehensive law, he implies that all the other laws are mere constituents of this rule.


Kabbalah’s Absolute Litmus Test of Love That Applies Anywhere: ‘How Would I Like It If…?’

However, when we try to find an explanation for this, we are met with an even more unusual statement by the sage, Hillel. When his disciple asked him to teach him the entire wisdom of Kabbalah while standing on one foot, Hillel replied: “Anything that you hate, do not do to others!” Hillel’s answer teaches us that the whole purpose, indeed the reason for the existence of Kabbalah, is to clarify and fulfill a single law: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”


Is Love an Impossible Dream?

Yet, how can I love another as myself? Loving others as myself would imply constantly fulfilling all the desires of all the people, when I am unable to satisfy even my own desires! Moreover, the sages explain that we have to satisfy others’ desires before our own.


Take this Self-Test! How Well Can I Keep the Law of Love?

Instructions:  Evaluate yourself in the following two situations on a scale of 1 – 10, “10” meaning “I would ALWAYS carry out this action”, and “1” meaning “I would NEVER behave in this way.”

  1. If you have only one pillow, you must give it to your friend. How often would you carry out this  action? (Evaluate yourself on scale of 1 – 10)
  2. If you have one chair, another person should take it, while you stand or sit on the ground. How often would you carry out this action? (Evaluate yourself on scale of 1 – 10)

If you could not answer “ALWAYS” to these situations, you will not be fulfilling the instruction of loving your neighbor as yourself. So, is this really a feasible demand?

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What Would Happen If We Could Suddenly Influence, Educate and Correct the World to a Course of Love and Care?

Love Quote

Everybody wants to live in a world founded on love, but no one believes that it can be a reality. We speak about love when telling fairytales to our children because everyone understands that love is good to speak about to a child, that it makes life safer than animosity.

However, what if it were possible to make a world out of love? Our world today is hostile, competitive, dog-eat-dog and life is becoming increasingly worse.

As Baal HaSulam wrote, “A person is a small world.” A person’s anger and cruelty toward the world boomerangs back against him, when implementing his egoistic desires and hating himself. This split personality is becoming increasingly prominent.

Now picture to yourself that you could transform your outlook and your relationships to a course of love and care. What would happen if we could suddenly influence, educate and correct the world so that there would be no theft, damage or exploitation?

We would then perceive an opposite world and no one would fear that their life would become wiped out tomorrow. People would not be afraid that tomorrow we would eradicate the planet and bury ourselves under the waste from our own production.

Love would oblige us to act in the best and most correct way. We wouldn’t have to search for billions of occupations just to keep the population busy, producing things no one needs. Even if everyone would be unemployed, every person would receive what is necessary because then people also wouldn’t need any excesses since they would live in a kind, amiable world.

Then we wouldn’t pollute the earth with unnecessary products, which is 90% of all the things being produced. If we look at nature, there is nothing wasted. Look at how life is organized in the animal kingdom, from the beginning of creation to its end, in all the forms that are included in nature’s cycle where everything is repeatedly used to 100% capacity.

All the cycles are absolutely closed, with the exception of the things the person does. When people produce anything, it does not return to nature in the natural form, but in the form of toxins that poison nature.

However, if we treated each other with love, we would make the world clean as well. Love would ensure that we will not demand any excess for ourselves and then everything would normalize. How different would things be from today where all the oceans are full of garbage and radioactive waste?

All we lack in our world is attention toward one another and mutual participation in the integral system, and we will get there out of our desperate state.

Based on the post “Love Is the Most Powerful Weapon” on Laitman.com – Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog.

What is love? How do we come to realize love in all kinds of different relationships, whether it be among couples, family, or society at large? What is the source of love and how can we draw this force into our lives? Love is one of the many topics tackled in the Free Kabbalah Course. Registration for the Summer 2014 semester closes soon, don’t miss out!…

Free Kabbalah Course

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10 Things About Love You Won’t See Anywhere Else This Valentine’s Day

10 Things About Love You Won't See Anywhere Else This Valentine's Day

  1. If we create an environment that has the qualities of bestowal and love, it will be just like a mother.
  2. If I can build an attitude toward others, meaning that I acquire Nature’s quality of love and bestowal, and relate to others through that quality, like Nature, where Nature is inside of me and I perform that action toward others, it means that I love others.
  3. One needs to explain what love means to oneself by delving into how much one loves oneself. Look at how you sit, sleep, eat, do things, what you like, what you don’t, how you’re constantly drawn towards pleasure, because you love yourself, and you want this person to enjoy himself, right? So the very same way, think for your neighbor to enjoy himself. Is that possible?
  4. Love is like having a pet at home that you grow. And you grow it through concessions.
  5. What is love? Love is when you accept the desire of another person as more important than your own, and you thrive to fulfill it.
  6. You don’t know what love is. The way we feel love is “I enjoy someone or something.” Here love means that you feel the other, you feel what’s going on in him, and then you accept his desire atop your desire. And the whole of you, in all of your abilities, opportunities and possibilities are in order to fulfill that desire.
  7. The general force of the universe is the power of love and giving.
  8. In our world, we love things that give us pleasure. That’s not love. I love the pleasure; I don’t love the giver of the pleasure. Start bringing me candy everyday, and I’ll relate nicely to you. Stop bringing me candy, and let’s see how I’ll treat you then.
  9. A collection of people – evil in nature, egoists – who have corrected themselves up to the degree of love between them, they, with the love between them, will be able to draw others into the center of love.
  10. Upon the ego that separates us, we need to receive a power, a desire, an ability, to feel everyone the same as I feel myself, and even more so.


  1. Make The World As Your Mother, Psychology of the Integral Society Series
  2. I Love Fish, Kabbalah Moments
  3. Love Your Neighbor, Kabbalah Moments
  4. Growing Love, Kabbalah Moments
  5. What Is Love?, Laitman Unplugged
  6. What Is Love?, Kabbalah Moments
  7. Don Miguel Ruiz Interview With Dr. Michael Laitman On Personal, Social And Global Change
  8. What Do I Love?, Kabbalah Moments
  9. Center Of Love, Kabbalah Moments
  10. Love Another As Thyself, Kabbalah Moments
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