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February 23, 2025

Archive for Kabbalah Today

Kabbalah Today – Issue 6

Kabbalah Today - Issue 5

Today, the question about the meaning of life is not a question we can put aside. The increasing drug abuse, depression, suicides, and violence, and such trends as the new age, mysticism, and radical cults are all signs that humanity is looking for the answer.

It is time for the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah to come out of its “hiding” and present humanity with the means to connect to the source and the purpose of its Creation.

We hope you will enjoy this issue of Kabbalah Today and that you will not hesitate to share your thoughts and comments with us.

In this issue:

Echoes of the Future

Echoes of the Future – Today, the echoing sound of the Shofar is not just a Jewish symbol. It represents the sound that emanates from the bottom of the human heart, asking for a change in today’s reality.

Creation, Evolution and Beyond – Humanity has been through a lot. Now we want to know how it all began and where we are headed.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Kabbalah

The Complete Guide for No Idiots – It probably isn’t the first setting you’d consider for revealing such ancient wisdoms, but The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Kabbalah is a pleasant surprise: comprehensive and easygoing at the same time.

The Rabash - Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag

Kabbalah Icons – The Rabash – Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (The Rabash), son and successor of Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) was a hidden Kabbalist. Despite his high spiritual level, the Rabash was a humble man, and spent his time studying and writing. Even so, it is hard to find words to describe even a fraction of his enormous contribution to our generation and to future generations.

Baal HaSulam on the Perception of Reality

Baal HaSulam on the Perception of Reality – the five senses do not reveal to us any essence at all, but only incidents and manifestations of operations of the essence. It is known that that which we cannot feel, we also cannot imagine; and what we cannot imagine, we also cannot contemplate; we have no way of perceiving it.

…and more, including Q&A, definitions of terms used in Kabbalah, Kabbalistic quotes and more articles discussing Kabbalah’s basic principles and our perception of reality.

Click here to view Kabbalah Today Issue 5


AUDIO: Mission: Possible (And Mandatory)

Listen to the audio version of “Mission: Possible (And Mandatory)” by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:

Mission: Possible (And Mandatory)
Click here to play

Kabbalists explain that the only role of the Jewish people is to reveal to humanity how it can achieve the highest possible level of existence, and that the Jewish people have no choice in the matter. more…

Click here to view the article “Mission: Possible (And Mandatory)”

Click here to download the audio version of “Mission: Possible (And Mandatory)”

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!


Kabbalah Today Issue 4 Podcast

Listen to the Kabbalah Today Issue 4 podcast by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:


A Kabbalah Today Issue 4 podcast compilation has been created containing the following playlist (the links are to the articles in the paper, containing the audio files for the articles alone):

Why Kabbalah, Why Now?
A “Properly Working” Nature
Between Creator and Creature
Unraveling the Zohar: a Wake-Up Call
Who Are You, People of Israel?
Spiritual Education

Click here to download the podcast (MP3 | 46.62mb)

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!


Kabbalah Today – Issue 4

Kabbalah Today - Issue 4
Kabbalah Today issue 4 expands on the essence and principles of Kabbalah, discusses how they should be introduced to humanity according to the teachings of Baal HaSulam, and the role of the Jewish people on the process.

In this issue:


Who Are You, People of Israel? – 5,000 years ago, an outbreak of the ego separated humanity’s spiritual oneness and divided it into “the many.” In the last 150 years, a new outbreak of the ego will lead us from our separation to spiritual oneness. Those with the biggest egos – the people of Israel – have to first discover this oneness, and then pass it on to humanity.

A “Properly Working” Nature

A “Properly Working” Nature – Humanity’s demand for happiness and pleasure is growing, and humanity will soon realize that lasting pleasure can only be achieved through mutual love and realizing our fundamental interconnectedness.

Mission: Possible (And Mandatory)

Mission: Possible (And Mandatory) – The role of the people of Israel is to reveal the laws governing the universe, and pass this revelation to the whole of humanity.

Spiritual Education

Spiritual Education – Education is primarily through example, and a spiritual education of children can be achieved once humanity starts living in balance with the spiritual laws governing our reality.

Unraveling the Zohar - a Wake-Up Call

Unraveling The Zohar – A Wakeup Call – Being awake during the day doesn’t mean we are awake spiritually. This article discusses the matter of sleep in spirituality, and what it means to be spiritually awake.

…and more, including an exploration of the source of the human self, definitions of terms used in Kabbalah, and Kabbalistic Q&A.

Click here to view Kabbalah Today Issue 4

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!


Kabbalah Today – Issue 3 Out Now

Kabbalah Today

The e-version of Kabbalah Today (issue #3 May, 2007)—Bnei Baruch’s monthly paper—is now available.

Love is the theme of this month’s issue: the importance of love as a means to achieving eternal life and harmony, and the ways by which we can develop it. Here is an overview (with links) of the paper’s sections:

Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love

Feature Article
Kabbalah says that the only force in reality is the force of love. Evidently, without love, there is no life. This is why Kabbalah says that Creator, nature and love are synonymous. more…

Camp Mount Sinai
Camp Mount Sinai

Section: On the Topic
The Creator is love. This is why He can sustain and provide for the whole of creation. In Kabbalah, Mount Sinai is the hatred we must climb to achieve the Creator, the quality of love. more…

Baal HaSulam
Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) – 1884-1954

Section: Kabbalah Icons
Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag is better known as Baal HaSulam (Owner of the Ladder) for his Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar. This work, and his commentary on the Holy Ari’s The Tree of Life, have made him the foremost Kabbalist of the 20th century, as well as one of the greatest Kabbalists of all time. more…

Omnipotent Magician
The Omnipotent Magician Who Could Not Be Alone

Section: Specials
A double-page, picturesque journey into this tale for grown-ups. more…

Lights and Vessels

Section: Kabbalah Sketches
Reality is made of Lights and vessels that receive them. Kabbalah Sketches explains how it happens, focusing in this issue on the four phases of creation’s emanation. more…

All's Well that Ends Well
All’s Well that Ends Well

Section: Kabbalah Sources – Clear and Simple
Kabbalists reached the top of the spiritual ladder and declared that there isn’t, never was and never will be any “bad” in reality. more…

The Zohar
A Glimpse of Radiance

Section: Kabbalah Sources – The Zohar
All the Kabbalists dreamed of our time, when all humanity could discover the wonders they had. By reading the authentic texts they left for us, we can achieve spiritual and physical harmonious perfection. more…

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!

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