Your Spiritual Key to Crack The Zohar Code

Your Spiritual Key to Crack The Zohar Code

The Zohar can’t be understood & felt directly, but requires preconception of spirituality before one approaches it.

We need to relate to The Zohar as to the Book that contains a certain secret code, a sequence of spiritual instructions. In order to establish connection with these spiritual instructions, I read The Zohar. However, the connection emerges not by my hearing or reading the text; rather, it is built to the measure of my desire to unite with this inner code so that it could transform me.

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I Attain the World through Me!

I Attain the World through Me

A Kabbalah lesson is not meant for gaining knowledge. It is a process of self-discovery.

A Kabbalist studies everything on himself! He is his own lab! For a Kabbalist it is a field of discovery, and he immediately begins to understand the world he is observing, he sees it inside himself. We are part of nature that is made of vectors of different forces that cooperate mutually, including our feelings and our thoughts. But it is impossible to study them on the earthly level because these thoughts and feelings are above us! A Kabbalist, through spiritual methodology, rises to the level where the interaction of these forces and the birth of the desire, feelings, and our thoughts, man’s inner world, take place, and it is from this level that he begins to influence them.

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Global Integral Nature | Kabbalah Moments – March 16, 2011

Global Integral Nature

Photo by familymwr Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Today nature itself is presenting this challenge to us. If we reveal the global, integral crisis, and if we reveal our universal interconnection in a negative manner, then naturally, this will lead us to war, to a big fight. But if we constantly improve and soften that interconnection, this will lead us to a mutual, good, kind connection. This is the mutual guarantee, when I know that I depend on everyone and everyone depends on me, and I try to make this interconnection kind and good.

From Mutual Guarantee Is A Response To Nature’s Challenge

Global Integral Nature
