Our Higher Root Cause

Our Higher Root Cause

It is time for “Jewish” to mean hero; a hero that knows himself, that knows how to overcome his own ego and to love others, teaching others how to do the same.

It is in these stressfully precarious times, with a growing, world-enveloping economic crisis and the looming threat of Iran, that I found myself in a very interesting meeting. A meeting so delicate and intensely profound that it brought me to wonder in awe about the future we are all about to be living.

Maybe it will be completely terrible and chaotic, politically, financially, socially and ecologically – but maybe not. Maybe we’ll pull through and find it to be uplifting and transforming.

I found myself sitting together with my old university professor, the big-hearted and wise psychologist Dr. Kalman Kaplan, an expert in Biblical Psychology and the author of the TILT: Teaching Individuals to Live Together model, and one whose depths I cannot fathom: Dr. Michael Laitman, scientist and…Kabbalist. It was not your ordinary discussion about where we are and where we are heading; there was a very pressing feeling that something big needs to happen, and that it can only happen through the collaboration of many.

The topic was us. Jews.

What is going on with us, our identity, our strengths? Are we aware? Are we awake? Are we tapping in to our great ancient wisdom and do we see how relevant it is to today’s issues? Sadly, everyone around the table agreed that the situation is less than favorable. Read Full Article at JPost »

Why was Ben Gurion so intrigued by what Baal HaSulam had told him?

David Ben Gurion
Time to Act

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 6

One windy winter eve in Poland in 1921, Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag returned home even more withdrawn than usual. He put his haversack at the corner of the room and sat thoughtfully on the sofa. He did not utter a word. After a long silence, he informed his family: “We are standing on the verge of a new era. I can no longer stay in Poland. It is time to make Aliyah (immigrate) to Israel…”

Baal HaSulam was one of the greatest Kabbalists of all time. He was a unique soul that came into this world to bring us the wisdom of Kabbalah, and to move us closer to a life of happiness, peace, and unity.

“I have a great desire to break an iron wall that has been separating us from the wisdom of Kabbalah,” Baal HaSulam wrote. Indeed, he was the first Kabbalist to interpret the entire Book of Zohar and the writings of the Ari, and to make the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah accessible to every single person. He was also the first to publish a Kabbalistic paper and disseminate it among the people. His heart ached with concern for the future of the people of Israel and the world at large, a concern that controlled his every move. more…

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AUDIO: Mission: Possible (And Mandatory)

Listen to the audio version of “Mission: Possible (And Mandatory)” by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:

Mission: Possible (And Mandatory)
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Kabbalists explain that the only role of the Jewish people is to reveal to humanity how it can achieve the highest possible level of existence, and that the Jewish people have no choice in the matter. more…

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Kabbalah Today – Issue 4

Kabbalah Today - Issue 4
Kabbalah Today issue 4 expands on the essence and principles of Kabbalah, discusses how they should be introduced to humanity according to the teachings of Baal HaSulam, and the role of the Jewish people on the process.

In this issue:


Who Are You, People of Israel? – 5,000 years ago, an outbreak of the ego separated humanity’s spiritual oneness and divided it into “the many.” In the last 150 years, a new outbreak of the ego will lead us from our separation to spiritual oneness. Those with the biggest egos – the people of Israel – have to first discover this oneness, and then pass it on to humanity.

A “Properly Working” Nature

A “Properly Working” Nature – Humanity’s demand for happiness and pleasure is growing, and humanity will soon realize that lasting pleasure can only be achieved through mutual love and realizing our fundamental interconnectedness.

Mission: Possible (And Mandatory)

Mission: Possible (And Mandatory) – The role of the people of Israel is to reveal the laws governing the universe, and pass this revelation to the whole of humanity.

Spiritual Education

Spiritual Education – Education is primarily through example, and a spiritual education of children can be achieved once humanity starts living in balance with the spiritual laws governing our reality.

Unraveling the Zohar - a Wake-Up Call

Unraveling The Zohar – A Wakeup Call – Being awake during the day doesn’t mean we are awake spiritually. This article discusses the matter of sleep in spirituality, and what it means to be spiritually awake.

…and more, including an exploration of the source of the human self, definitions of terms used in Kabbalah, and Kabbalistic Q&A.

Click here to view Kabbalah Today Issue 4

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