Why Is It So Hard for People to Be Happy?

Why Is It So Hard for People to Be Happy?
Why Is It So Hard for People to Be Happy?
Why Is It So Hard for People to Be Happy? | Live Kabbalah Q&A Webinar

An answer to the question, “Why can’t people be happy? Why are there so many problems?” in the Live Kabbalah Q&A Webinar that took place on Monday, December 21, 2015.

Got a question you want Kabbalah’s answer on?

Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration…

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What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? - Q&A Celebration
What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? – Q&A Celebration
Image: Marco Bellucci, "Question Mark."

What Is the Source of Happiness? | Ask The Kabbalist with Dr. Michael Laitman

What Is the Source of Happiness? | Ask The Kabbalist with Dr. Michael Laitman
What Is the Source of Happiness? | Ask The Kabbalist with Dr. Michael Laitman
What Is the Source of Happiness? | Ask the Kabbalist with Dr. Michael Laitman

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 3, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • What is the source of happiness?
  • Can we attain spirituality in our lifetime? Can you define it?
  • Do genetic cloning and stem cells manipulation for creating human beings replicate the soul?

Got a question you want Kabbalah’s answer on?

Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration…

Go Here to Ask Your Question »

What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? - Q&A Celebration
What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? – Q&A Celebration
Image: Walter, "DSC_4149_pp."

How Kabbalah Helps You in Everyday Life | Ask the Kabbalist

What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? - Q&A Celebration 2015


We’re so excited about the upcoming “What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything!?” live Q&A Celebration event that will be taking place on Tuesday, 5 January, that we’re digging up long lost episodes of “Ask the Kabbalist,” that aired on TV, and releasing them toward the event!

At the Q&A Celebration, you’ll be able to ask questions, get them answered live, and win one of many prize pack giveaways!

To ask your question to attend, simply click on the link below, ask your question in the form on that page, and you’re in!

Go Here to Ask Your Question at the Q&A Celebration »


Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 2, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • What is a prayer according to Kabbalah?
  • How can families accurately help a child with behavior problems?
  • How does Kabbalah help a person in everyday life?

Go Here to Ask Your Question at the Q&A Celebration »


Finally, an Unlimited Form of Pleasure

Finally_an Unlimited Form of Pleasure

More Happiness from Not Wanting Pleasure?

An “effort” is defined as anything that the individual does against the desires of the body, irrespective of what action it is. For example, if an individual sleeps in spite of the desires of the body, this is an effort. But the main problem lies in the fact that an individual always anticipates a reward for efforts made. To overcome egoism, one must strive to make an effort without being compensated for it.

Continue reading “Finally, an Unlimited Form of Pleasure”

How to Acquire Unlimited Spiritual Pleasure

How to Acquire Unlimited Spiritual Pleasure

In Pursuit of the Creator’s Revelation

When we are still at the beginning of the path, we neither sense nor understand the Creator. After making a number of unsuccessful attempts to advance towards Him, it suddenly appears to us that while we want to draw close to the Creator, He disregards us.

In response, instead of increasing our yearning to the degree required to attach ourselves to the Creator, we begin in our hearts to blame Him for ignoring us. We become angry and completely forget that the Creator wants us, to exactly the same extent, and for this reason gave us such yearnings toward Him.

As long as we lack complete faith in the oneness of the Creator, we will inevitably repeat our mistakes time after time, until the Creator makes us realize that all of our desire for Him comes from the Creator Himself, and that He will accept all the efforts we require, and will help us by revealing Himself to us by showing us the full true picture of the worlds and of Himself.

Continue reading “How to Acquire Unlimited Spiritual Pleasure”