Why Are Wars on the Rise? | Ask The Kabbalist

Why Are Wars on the Rise? | Ask the Kabbalist
Why Are Wars on the Rise? | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 6, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman replies to following questions from the public:

  • Why does humankind make more wars and mass murders when at this point of evolution world leaders should be able to solve conflicts peacefully?
  • What is evolution? Is humanity evolving or regressing?
  • What is Kabbalah’s view on predictions done by calendars, such as the Aztec and religious ones?

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What Does Kabbalah Say about Wikileaks? | Ask the Kabbalist with Dr. Michael Laitman

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 22, with Dr. Michael Laitman

Questions asked in this episode of Ask the Kabbalist:

– What is Kabbalah’s view on Wikileaks?

– What did Dr. Laitman talk about with UNESCO?

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Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration on Tuesday, 5 January, 2016!…

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The Universal Law of Harmony

The Universal Law of Harmony

Question: What do you mean when you are talking about harmony?

Answer: Harmony is easy. It comes from the fact that there are two forces in nature: the force of bestowal (the positive force) and the force of receiving (the negative one), which at different levels (biological, physical, moral, and so on) manifest themselves as balanced systems. If these forces are balanced in the human body, the body is absolutely healthy. If they are balanced in nature, this means it’s in a state of absolute rest. A lack of balance leads to all sorts of movements.

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How Humanity Evolved to Desire Spirituality & How it Can Best Attain It

How Humanity Evolved to Desire Spirituality & How it Can Best Attain It

Today Humanity Is Entering a New Phase of Development

 When we equalize in every conduct with our root, we sense delight.

– Baal HaSulam, “The Giving of the Torah”

We are standing at a crucial point in history. Tens of thousands of years of human development, and billions of years of evolution have all occurred only to bring us to these moments of transformation, to the birth of the new humanity.


Where Is Evolution Leading Us?

If we examine Nature, we will see that it is constantly evolving. First, the inanimate evolved, then the vegetative, and finally the animate. Each such evolution is based on the evolution of the desire in the creature.

The desire that wishes only to sustain itself without change takes the form of inanimate. When the desire wishes to evolve, to move toward what is good for it and away from what harms it, the vegetative form appears. An even greater desire, which approaches the benefiting and turns away from the harmful by its own movement, takes on the animate form. All the forms we see before us in reality are only external envelopes that express the evolution of the only force that was created, “the will to receive delight and pleasure” or in short, “the will to receive.”

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The Ultimate Guide to the Future of Human Evolution

The Ultimate Guide to the Future of Human Evolution

Why the Spiritual Reality Is Hidden

Throughout Its Existence, humanity has been utilizing its five senses to research the reality in which it lives, and gather the findings to formulate sciences. The purpose of science and the accumulated human knowledge is to improve our lives and help us more effectively use the world we live in.

The wisdom of Kabbalah, unlike all other sciences, researches a realm whose existence eludes an ordinary person. To research this realm, one must be equipped with another sense, a sense that perceives the “Upper World.” With this additional sensory ability, one can gather information about the Upper World and experiment with it. Like any ordinary scientist, a Kabbalist can record reactions to actions. Kabbalists are researchers of the Upper World, and as such, they have recorded their findings over thousands of years of research. The collection of their records constitutes the wisdom of Kabbalah.


What Kinds of Tools Does Kabbalah Give a Person?

The wisdom of Kabbalah describes the actions that originate in the Creator and hang down to our world through all the Upper Worlds. It also describes how they expand through the corporeal reality that we can all perceive with our five ordinary senses.

Our world is a consequence of the Upper Worlds. Thus, the wisdom of Kabbalah contains knowledge about the Upper Worlds and our world. The Upper Worlds pertain to a higher level of existence than our world, where time, space, and motion do not exist, but only abstract forces. It follows that Kabbalah contains the existence of all times as they are expressed in our world.

Kabbalah is a means to help us research all the states of existence. This sequence of states includes our state before our souls dress in physical bodies, all our phases while we exist in this world, and our situation once the soul departs from the body and returns to its root in the Upper World.

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