You Can Wield the Force That Drives Life

You Can Wield the Force That Drives Life

Unity is the direction of the force that drives life. Our challenge, therefore, is to learn how to unite.

This is the force of unity because all of creation stems from one spark. This force exists in nature. It stems from the same source that the first spark once broke out from and from which the universe developed. Let’s pull it out of nature and learn how to use it practically, creatively, just like we use nuclear energy.

Learn How to Widen Your View and Change Your Reality

Learn How to Widen Your View and Change Your Reality

Spiritual correction cannot happen in one limited field of life, in a single atom or a particle. It can happen only between all of them.

By correcting our perception of reality to the right perception, we change our entire life. Kabbalah teaches us how to discover the true reality and a new world. This correction isn’t meant to change our corporeal life, but actually to change all of reality from one end to the other. Thanks to the change of our internal attributes, we also change the external world because the world we see is the imprint of our internal attributes.

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I Attain the World through Me!

I Attain the World through Me

A Kabbalah lesson is not meant for gaining knowledge. It is a process of self-discovery.

A Kabbalist studies everything on himself! He is his own lab! For a Kabbalist it is a field of discovery, and he immediately begins to understand the world he is observing, he sees it inside himself. We are part of nature that is made of vectors of different forces that cooperate mutually, including our feelings and our thoughts. But it is impossible to study them on the earthly level because these thoughts and feelings are above us! A Kabbalist, through spiritual methodology, rises to the level where the interaction of these forces and the birth of the desire, feelings, and our thoughts, man’s inner world, take place, and it is from this level that he begins to influence them.

Continue reading “I Attain the World through Me!”

What Will the World Look Like in 10 Years? | Ask the Kabbalist

What Will the World Look Like in 10 Years | Ask the Kabbalist
What Will the World Look Like in 10 Years | Ask the Kabbalist
What Will the World Look Like in 10 Years | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 18, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • What is the ego’s role, we can’t get rid of it – what do we do with it?
  • What will the world look like in 10 years?

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Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist

Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist
Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist
Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 5, with Dr. Michael Laitman.

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Why do people believe in the government?
  • Will Kabbalah lead to a new scientific unified field theory providing a link between the physical world and the spiritual?

Got a question you want Kabbalah’s answer on?

Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration on Tuesday, 5 January, 2016!…

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