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February 28, 2025

Archive for Events

Education Center Summer Semester Starts Tonight!

Get your alarm clocks ready! The Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center summer semester starts today!

Don’t miss the first class of the semester tonight at 8pm EDT (Americas class) and 8pm GMT (Europe class)

Kabbalah is a whole new approach to life which will most certainly change the way you perceive your reality. One of the unique features of this online Kabbalah course is the ability to ask questions and interact with your instructors in real time!

Also if you miss any classes you can download them for free from our lesson archive. Finally the student forum is a great place to visit to get answers to questions that weren’t answered in class.

If you haven’t signed up yet, don’t miss your chance

Click Here To Reserve Your Place In The Course Today!

We will be studying from Kabbalah for the Student, the official Education Center textbook.

If you haven’t already, it is recommended to get a copy of this book to make the most out of your course.

Download as PDF
Purchase Your Own Copy


Q&A Celebration On Tonight!

It’s all happening tonight, Wednesday 28 July, at 8:00pm EDT (U.S.).

Here’s your very own link to enter the live event:

Go To the Kabbalah Live Q&A Celebration>>

We have received your question, as well as lots of others, and we’ll do our best to get through them… Also, you’re now in the draw to win prize packs of books and CDs that we’ll be giving away tonight.

So we hope to see you there tonight, and hope you find the answers you’re looking for.

Go To the Kabbalah Live Q&A Celebration>>

Also, why keep it all to yourself when you can invite your friends too? Click on the following banner to invite your friends, and you also get to download special Q&A sessions between Dr. Michael Laitman and personalities like Moby, Amit Goswami, Judith Regan, Don Miguel Ruiz and Steve Rubel.


Over 60 Locations Worldwide Meet Online To Celebrate Human Unity

The MegaCongress 2010 Taking Place At Over 60 Locations Worldwide And Broadcast Live On the Internet
at www.kab.tv Aims To Reveal Unity Among People Beyond All Differences

The following is a press release written about the MegaCongress that’s on this weekend. It’s not too late to find the closest MegaCongress Meetup to you or to sign up for MegaCongress updates. Watch the special broadcast live at Kabbalahgroup.info

Tel Aviv, Israel, July 23 2010 — The MegaCongress 2010 hosted by the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute – www.kabbalah.info – from July 23 to 25, is a meeting of individuals and groups from over 60 locations around the world to reveal and celebrate human unity beyond all differences.

Broadcast on www.kabbalahgroup.info, the MegaCongress aims to become a place for deeply transformative personal and social experience through intensive studies and activities. It is based on the premise that one’s environment influences the person with its values; and if one wants to make a positive change in one’s life, then one needs one’s environment to support and promote this change.

People are constantly under the influence of the environment to a point where the values of the environment become a person’s values. Understanding this principle, we should think about this question: What values would humanity require to develop in a positive direction? They would have to be values that connect all people and bring them together, and where everyone would benefit. The MegaCongress 2010 aims to be a three-day study, work and celebration of such values, and the beginning of many such events that will aim to build an environment for more and more people to become influenced by these values, as well as start incorporating them into their lives.

Dr. Michael Laitman, founder and teacher of the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, teaches these values daily to students and viewers the world over. There are 12 broadcasts each week of free live online lessons available publicly for viewing at www.kabbalahgroup.info, and the organization also provides free courses and study materials on their website, www.kabbalah.info.

The MegaCongress 2010 will have live broadcasts of lessons with Dr. Michael Laitman, workshops and cultural events on www.kabbalahgroup.info to tens of thousands of participants for the full three days. The event will peak in the All Together cultural event hosted in Tel Aviv’s Trade Fairs Center, broadcast live at 11:00 am until 3:00 pm on Sunday, 25 July Eastern Time (U.S.). Over 3,000 people in Israel will meet in the same building, together with the tens of thousands of connections worldwide in a unique global unity party.

The prominent question that stands in relation to the MegaCongress 2010 is: Why is there such a strong focus on the theme of changing ourselves toward creating connections among all people around the world? Bnei Baruch Education Center director and senior instructor Michael R. Kellogg answers as follows, “Today, people all around the world are feeling an increasing inability to realize security in their lives. Where once you would just need a bit of a brain and ambition to get a job, today these kinds of people are being laid off and looking for what to do. This comes to show us that the connections developed among people are incorrect, i.e. where each one thinks only to find security and luxury for oneself. The change that needs to develop now for humanity to start a positive course of action is a change of connections among people: instead of connecting to others to profit from them, we need to connect to them thinking for their benefit. It seems farfetched to the general public, but when this revolution of values begins to be accepted, we will see just that: a positive revolution in the world we live in. The MegaCongress aims to give the participants a flavor of this new, interconnected world.”

The MegaCongress 2010 aims to create a unique environment that will allow participants to realize the true potential that lies in the correct connection among people. The organizers of the MegaCongress believe that if the people who feel a certain insecurity about their or humanity’s future, could only start clarifying this feeling, and learn how to aim it toward creating stronger connections among people, humanity could then change its course and begin moving toward happiness, peace and prosperity. In other words, this MegaCongress aims to give its participants a taste of an immensely better world, the interconnected world, and practical tools for taking steps toward becoming one big human family.

Ask any of your deepest questions & get it answered live!
Click Here To Ask Your Question!


Are You Ready To Start Your New Game? | MegaCongress July 23-25, 2010


The MegaCongress is an opportunity to connect to people from all around the world, simultaneously, intensively, over a 3-day period, with the greatest possible goal in mind, the goal that will solve all problems for everybody, the goal that will simply make life perfect for everybody…

…THE GOAL: To discover the common point of human unity that is currently hidden from people!

Click here for more information>>


The Q&A Celebration Is Back!

We at the Bnei Baruch Education Center are so excited about the upcoming Kabbalah Fundamentals Summer Course, starting on Wednesday 4 August @ 8:00pm EDT (U.S.)… that we can’t wait to get started!

So the week before the course starts, we’ll be holding a free public preliminary live Q&A session with you to celebrate the upcoming course.

We invite you all to post just one question that’s itching away at you, and get it answered at the live event. Maybe you have a question about Kabbalah itself, or how Kabbalah can help you in a certain situation you’re facing, or how Kabbalah explains all kinds of events occurring in our world, or any variety of concepts, such as whether we have free choice, how we perceive reality, why we feel pain and pleasure, or countless other things…

Kabbalah encourages the asking of questions to progress, so here’s an opportunity to ask your first question and get it answered live!… Just write your name, e-mail, and the question you have in the comment form below, and you’ll get reminder e-mails with a link to the live event where we’ll answer your question.

AND… By sending us your question using the comment form below, you’ll go into the draw to win a number of book & CD giveaways!

We’ll be updating about this event regularly on this blog, and providing new, special preview Q&A material leading up to the event to help you prepare. Here is the first of many of these: a free PDF for you to download, containing an interview between Dr. Michael Laitman and Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.


Ask a question below!

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