You’re One Step Away from Understanding and Feeling MUCH GREATER Depths of Wisdom and Sensation

KabU Kabbalah Retreat 2021

Let’s get this started with a quote by a wise man, a student at KabU:

“I wish each of you could just reach in and take out some of this heat, and even fire, and I’m sure you all have that same kind of feeling.”

If you watch the 2 min. video, “Get a Taste of the KabU Retreat,” then you’ll hear these words stated by the KabU student, at the peak period of a retreat, when everyone is by the campfire after hours of lessons, workshops, meals, and other activities together.

What makes us wise is our choice of environment.

Simply by getting his tickets to the KabU Kabbalah Retreat and letting the environment of the retreat do its work, the KabU student came to understand and feel much greater depths of wisdom and sensation than if he didn’t take that step.

That’s why we at KabU put so much into the Kabbalah Retreat—it’s an opportunity like no other to immensely advance the spirituality of everyone who attends.

So put the world and your worries aside for 3 days, and immerse yourself in this environment made to attract the spiritual forces of love, bestowal, and connection as optimally as possible.

Just get your tickets, and we’ll take care of the rest 🙂

Get Your Early Bird Tickets (Save $100 In-Person, $50 Virtual) »

MAKE IT REAL – KabU Kabbalah Retreat 2021
– In-Person: Iroquois Springs, Catskills Mountains, NY
– Virtual: From the Comfort of Your Own Home
– October 1-3

See you soon!

KabU Q&A Event with Tony Kosinec and Julian Edwards – March 28, 2018

Recording of the KabU Live Q&A event with Tony Kosinec and Julian Edwards that took place on Wednesday, March 28.

World Kabbalah Convention 2018 in North America, Early Bird Discount

After starting your journey into the wisdom of Kabbalah with KabU’s free courses, you can join in live Q&A sessions with KabU instructors such as Tony Kosinec and Julian Edwards, and get your questions answered.

This Q&A session introduced the 2018 World Kabbalah Convention as the best possible action a Kabbalah student could do in order to see results from the spiritual path.

The activities at a World Kabbalah Convention contribute to forming the strongest spiritual environment for accelerating a person’s spiritual progress.

We’d love to see you at this year’s World Kabbalah Convention in New Jersey!

? Find out more about the convention
? Get your convention tickets (earlybird discount till mid-April)

Having taught over 180,000 students worldwide, KabU is the number one authority for authentic Kabbalah, combining intellectual study with an emotionally transformative experience.

KabU was founded by Bnei Baruch (, a global educational organization dedicated to the mission of its founder Kabbalist and global thinker Dr. Michael Laitman to bring balance and fulfillment to the world.

All KabU instructors are advanced students of Dr. Laitman with years of experience developing study programs, writing books and articles and teaching Kabbalah.

Thousands Express Support for Israel at Kabbalah Conference in Tel Aviv

Thousands express support for Israel at Kabbala conference in Tel Aviv

Thousands express support for Israel at Kabbala conference in Tel Aviv

Jerusalem Post, February 25, 2016: Some 6,000 participants from 62 countries expressed support on Wednesday night for Israel at a Kabbalah conference at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds.

Guests of honor at the conference included, Transportation Minister Israel Katz, conference speaker Rabbi Michael Laitman, Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev, and Public Security and Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan.

Conference participants arrived from all over the world, including the US, England, France, Russia, Japan, Norway, Turkey and more.

Rabbi Laitman addressed the conference, saying, “I am happy that we have here such a large gathering of people. The conference is being held for the seventh year and, as is true every year, I am happy and excited for the opportunity that has been given to me personally and to us as an organization to work for unity among the Jewish people, through the absolute support of thousands of people from all over the world, who share our values and beliefs about unity and togetherness, every hour of every day.”

Katz praised Laitman for the organization’s operations, saying that the “great cooperative project” was a strong body that could “fight boycotts and phenomena such as BDS, together, through love and support.”

Erdan saluted the organization for strengthening the most important value – “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

Jerusalem Post, Tel Aviv

It’s Started – the Kabbalah LIVE Q&A Celebration

It’s Started_the Kabbalah LIVE Q&A Celebration


The Live Q&A Celebration has just started! …and we’re looking forward to an exciting and informative night together.

Here’s the link just in case you haven’t made it yet:

…and to fill you in on a little secret, just by attending live – you’ll be able to take part in some of our prize pack giveaways exclusively for live participants.

Anyway… what, you still here? Is this text really that much more interesting than watching the live show on now? Please, let me stop wasting your time with my blabber, and offer you this fine link to where the celebration’s at:

Go To The Live Q&A Celebration Now


Your friend at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah
Education & Research Institute

P.S. I can’t believe it! You really managed to get this far down the e-mail? Now let’s try this again… 1… 2… 3…

Go To The Live Q&A Celebration Now

Tonight’s the Big Night – Kabbalah LIVE Q&A Celebration

Tonights the big night_Kabbalah LIVE QA Celebration

Tonight’s the big night! The Kabbalah LIVE Q&A Celebration, “What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything!?”

Tuesday, 1 December is here, and as the night sets in, at 9:00 PM EST (U.S.), the action starts!

Here’s your link to join:

As well as getting your question answered, you will also go into the prize draw to win some free book & CD packages we’ll be giving away on the night.

See you soon!

Your friend at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah
Education & Research Institute