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February 23, 2025

Archive for Education

Why Is Today’s Education System Falling Apart?

Why Is Today's Education System Falling Apart?

While mass media should be engaged in creating integral education and upbringing for children, everything currently falls on the shoulders of the teachers and the department of education, which is not yet even focusing on “upbringing” (i.e. raising a human being who is in touch with the global, integral reality) but instead on “educating” (i.e. giving a person tools in order to acquire a profession according to the world’s current socio-economic state). This is why the entire education system itself is falling apart.

The transformation from an egoistic, proprietary, individual level – where human relationships are self-serving – to an altruistic, integral, and global level, where everyone must be interconnected can be achieved with the help of mass media. This transformation will be possible if public representatives and the world’s influential people understand the need for change, and take it on themselves to care for the future generation.

The Psychology Of The Integral Society

The above points were taken from the book The Psychology of the Integral Society by Dr. Michael Laitman and Dr. Anatoly Ulianov.


What Makes Children Seem Stranger and More Eccentric Today than ever before to Parents and Adults?

What Makes Children Seem Stranger And More Eccentric Today Than Ever Before To Parents And Adults?

Children today seem strange and eccentric because they are born with preexisting rudiments of the next social state of the world, one that is global and integral.

While this new global integral reality might seem strange to adults today, to children it is completely natural and even desirable.

It is not children who have a problem, it is the parents and teachers who are trying to implement a new method of connection among people, a method offered to them by nature. The adults are still in a transition phase, while the children are already ripe for it.

We are in the midst of a transition from an egoistic, proprietary, individual level – where the relationships between us are self-serving – to an altruistic, integral, and global level, where everyone must be interconnected.

The Psychology Of The Integral Society

The above points were taken from the book The Psychology of the Integral Society by Dr. Michael Laitman and Dr. Anatoly Ulianov.


5 Goals Of Integral Education

Integral Education

1) To show a person that you can achieve positive results only when you are together with everyone. Everything that is not obtained together is negative.

2) To show people that there is a differential approach, an integral one. These two approaches need to be made evident and people should be allowed to understand that the world is now transitioning from differentiation and division into sectors and levels, to one that is integral and entirely interconnected.

3) To give people the ability to see any phenomenon in the world as part of the common whole, letting people make correct decisions.

4) To affirm what is shared, and only what is shared. There is no “yours” or “mine.” You and I must both own the resources together, and that doesn’t mean each of us has his own half, but that the resources are shared.

5) To bring about a society where everyone is connected as one single whole, everyone is under the influence of a single law, regardless of how one acts – the condition is called “mutual guarantee,” by which everyone depends on everyone else, every person is responsible for everyone else, and no one has any obligation as a separate entity.

The Psychology Of The Integral Society

The above points were taken from the book The Psychology of the Integral Society by Dr. Michael Laitman and Dr. Anatoly Ulianov.


The Economic Crisis And The Need For A New Education | Dr. Michael Laitman Interview Series

Dr. Michael Laitman’s interview with Michael Khazin, owner of the Internet’s most popular discussion board on the world crisis, on the economic crisis and the need for a new kind of education.

Here is an excerpt from the conversation:

M. Laitman: Don’t you think that the solution to this [economic] problem lies not only in building a different kind of economic relationship, but in the sphere of education? Unless we establish our economic relationships on a moral basis (one must correctly interact with others regardless of loan interest or police), then all our efforts will fail.

M. Khazin: There is no doubt about it! In the absence of moral standards it will be impossible to build a new model. It must be invented.

M. Laitman: Why should we invent it?

M. Khazin: Because today’s model destroys moral standards.

M. Laitman: Yes, but why should we invent it!? We can take it from nature. Look how our biological body is built at the animate level (not at the human level). The human level is supposedly higher than the animate one. At the animate level, each cell of our body is egoistical, but all cells unite for the sake of the body, each of them neutralizing its egoism for the sake of the whole body’s life. Thus, different bodily organs exist in harmony with one another. None of them receives more than is necessary for its existence and the sustenance of the body. We see that nature can exist in no other way. Life exists based only on this principle. So if we want human society to exist normally, such relations between people must be established.

Education – The Means For Positive Global Change
Dr. Michael Laitman Interview Series With Michael Khazin

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Children In The Shusterman School Appear In UN Voices Of A New Generation Video

The Shusterman School, currently an extra-curricular activity center operating in after-school hours, based on the wisdom of Kabbalah in Israel, has been in operation for less than a year. Its students represented Israel in this UN video “Voices of a New Generation,” which took children from all around the world speaking about what are the world’s problems and what can we do to shift the world’s development in a positive direction.

Here are what the children said in the video:

“Wars… what are wars all about?
About money, respect, control.
Why is that?
What is the essence of this?
Why can’t we just get along?
That’s how we are.
It’s our nature. It’s stronger than us. It controls us.
Thousands of years we tried to live in peace, but we just could not.
We were like that, but we discovered the secret.
We found the solution for peace.
We need to see the person next to me, a little, at least a little, better than me.
It is not simple. Not at all.
But it’s the only solution.
There is no other solution.
Just to see the other as a person.”

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