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March 3, 2025

Archive for Competitions

Winners of the ‘Share Your Experiences with Kabbalah’ Contest

Winners of the 'Share Your Experience with Kabbalah' Contest

We’re happy to announce the 3 winning entries of the $50 gift voucher at KabbalahBooks.info in the ‘Share Your Experiences with Kabbalah’ contest!

The winners were chosen at random among a pool of very inspiring entries we received. One prize winner’s entry by Daniela Mitrovic has already been published here.

Here are the 2 other prize winning entries:

Eric and Alex Soto – Schiller Park, IL

A 41 yr old father and his 13 yr old sons’ journey together… ERIC (Father): “Why am I here and why do I feel like I’m searching for something?” This question has haunted me throughout high school and my marriage. I looked into religion, new age, family, my career, and many books for this answer with no success…until I stumbled on a video from the Kabbalah Revealed series with Anthony Kosinec on a spiritual website that had nothing to do with Kabbalah! Once I finished the series I found the hunger inside me for answers explode with delight! The Bnei Baruch website offered to continue my search for more with a complete library of books and videos online that would answer questions I didn’t even know I was yearning to know. This led me to sign up for free courses in authentic Kabbalah…which in turn led me to search for people to share my feelings with, both within a physical and virtual group. Now less than one year later I am sharing the love I have gained from Kabbalah with my family, who has supported my search, and have the honor to share my studies with my middle son, Alex, who is just beginning his studies this winter on the EC website after attending the last Congress of North America in Nov 2013 with me. If I were to give someone just one reason for ‘Why’ to take advantage of all the Bnei Baruch website has to offer (especially the online courses), it would be… “ANSWERS”!

ALEX (Son, age 13): Just like my father, I too felt a need for answers to questions like “What is the meaning of my life?” I felt this nagging feeling of confusion that I knew I needed to solve. Then after aimlessly roaming on the internet in hopes of figuring life out, I came across some of my father’s PDF books on his E-Reader about Kabbalah. Even though my father never pushed his ideas onto me, I was still curious to read some of his books, and from the moment I started reading, I knew this was something that made the most sense about why I am here and the meaning of my life. After talking more with my dad, I decided to accompany him to his physical group and shortly after, to the North American Congress. My experience with the Congress helped me connect on a personal level with many of the EC instructors and staff, which encouraged my choice to join the Fundamentals class this Dec 4th an easy one. Together we are walking the path of authentic Kabbalah, each at his own level, but together united with a newfound love that surpasses any race, language, sex or age. We both ask you NOT to believe our testimonials alone, but to SEE for yourself what authentic Kabbalah is all about and let your heart decide! – Eric & Alex Soto (father & son)

Cindy Hatok – Pittsburgh, PA

I was brought to Kabbalah through a class, it was a subtle introduction but it interested me because I was going through a lot of turmoil in my life. My only child had died, my boss at work was hassling me, I was becoming more depressed and wound up hospitalized for my depression. I knew that I had to change something, despite all the problems I had experienced I was here for some reason, but what was that reason? This was a question I had asked myself my whole life. I’d studied other religions, but never found a satisfying answer. I was lost. Then I began taking the courses on the Education Center. None of it was the scary stuff I had heard about, no weird number stuff, no red strings or anything like that. There was a real structure and explanation for why I am here. I’ve found a home, a place where others have felt the same feelings as I do, who accept me and have the same goal as I do. It’s been the best thing for me. Everyone around me has noticed the changes in me.


The entries we received were incredibly inspiring and moving, and we will publish many more of them in future Kabbalah Blog posts. You can subscribe to future Kabbalah Blog posts here if you haven’t already, to make sure you don’t miss out on these inspiring stories of us spiritual seekers finding what we had been looking for – a path to attain spirituality.

Also, if you haven’t already, sign up to the Kabbalah Fundamentals course starting this coming Wednesday, December 4, and we’ll look forward to seeing you in our new course with 1,000s of seekers joining from all around the world!


STILL OPEN: Win Prizes by Sharing Your Experiences with Kabbalah

STILL OPEN: Win Prizes by Sharing Your Experiences with Kabbalah

Hi Everyone!

We are continuing to run the “Win Prizes by Sharing Your Experiences with Kabbalah!” contest for another week. Simply submit your testimonial of your experience with Kabbalah and/or the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center, and you go in the draw to win one of 3 $50 gift vouchers at KabbalahBooks.info!

Winners will be announced in next week’s Kabbalah.info Newsletter & KabbalahBlog.info.

For more details about the contest & the entry form, click on the following link:

Write Your Testimonial Here & Win Prizes! »

We’d like to thank everyone who has sent in their testimonials so far. It has been truly inspiring reading every one of your unique stories of your spiritual searches, and how finding the wisdom of Kabbalah has been like finding water in a desert for a person who has a desire for spirituality. It is our pleasure to share some testimonials submitted so far, keep an eye out next week for more!…

Daniela Mitrovic – Pompano Beach, FL

I was coming out of a bout of major depression that had landed me in the hospital. I kept shouting out to the world “Why am I here?!” My therapist told me that altruism was the key to happiness, so I began looking at the local Craigslist board for volunteer opportunities. I saw an ad that said, “Ever wonder why you’re here?” I gasped and clicked on the link. I was taken to a video from Bnei Baruch about the point in the heart, and how Kabbalah is not religion, science, etc. “That was nice…” I said as I closed the window. The next month, I began asking the question, “Why do I feel so disconnected?” I was again searching Craigslist for volunteer opportunities when I saw a link that said, “Ever wonder why you feel so disconnected?” I felt my soul jump out of my body, then right back in. I shakily clicked the link and was taken to a nice video about this little gear who was on the outside of a circle and couldn’t get it together. Finally, the gear got it together, got in the circle, and stopped feeling disconnected. I signed up for Bnei Baruch’s Kabbalah classes, and never looked back. Thanks to Bnei Baruch, I found meaning in my life. That’s how much joy these people have brought into my life. Thanks to what I’ve learned, I was able to overcome depression, find meaning in my life, and was ultimately led to a joyous path.

Write Your Testimonial Here & Win Prizes! »

Daniel Romero – Bucaramanga, Columbia

I have being dealing with extreme emotional issues all of my life. Low self esteem, depression, anxiety. I have had all kinds of psychiatric labels from OCD, borderline disorder, BDD, major depression, you name it. One year ago, I was helpless, nothing would help me alleviate my suffering and I asked God to show me the truth. Somehow about a month later God placed the Kabbalah Revealed series by Tony Kosinec on YouTube in my laptop. I was grasped in mind and heart about what Tony was speaking about. I thought to myself: “This is true spirituality!” In the upcoming weeks, I was searching again on the web for Tony’s videos and I found the link to the Education Center. I knew I had to take the courses so I subscribed for them willingly. It’s been 9 months since then and although I have had some ups and downs, it’s all part of the process. What is there is to reach?! The most exalted goal of all which is to reach revelation of God while we are in this lifetime. My life values have changed and to this day I have felt more peaceful and my life has found its meaning.

Write Your Testimonial Here & Win Prizes! »

Jennifer Cappabianca – Worchester, MA

I would call myself a spiritual seeker. I have read hundreds of books and I have taken dozens of classes in search of some understanding about life and my life purpose. I was learning a lot but my questions were still unanswered. When I found the Kabbalah Education Center free authentic classes online, I was very excited about beginning my studies. I cannot even begin to tell you how this changed my life!!!For the first time everything is coming together. My questions are being answered and I have found peace! This is truly an amazing journey and I have met so many great friends from all around the world.


Write Your Testimonial Here & Win Prizes! »

Main Post Image: CollegeDegrees360. “Student with Pen.” Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. 


The Q&A Celebration Is Back!

We at the Bnei Baruch Education Center are so excited about the upcoming Kabbalah Fundamentals Summer Course, starting on Wednesday 4 August @ 8:00pm EDT (U.S.)… that we can’t wait to get started!

So the week before the course starts, we’ll be holding a free public preliminary live Q&A session with you to celebrate the upcoming course.

We invite you all to post just one question that’s itching away at you, and get it answered at the live event. Maybe you have a question about Kabbalah itself, or how Kabbalah can help you in a certain situation you’re facing, or how Kabbalah explains all kinds of events occurring in our world, or any variety of concepts, such as whether we have free choice, how we perceive reality, why we feel pain and pleasure, or countless other things…

Kabbalah encourages the asking of questions to progress, so here’s an opportunity to ask your first question and get it answered live!… Just write your name, e-mail, and the question you have in the comment form below, and you’ll get reminder e-mails with a link to the live event where we’ll answer your question.

AND… By sending us your question using the comment form below, you’ll go into the draw to win a number of book & CD giveaways!

We’ll be updating about this event regularly on this blog, and providing new, special preview Q&A material leading up to the event to help you prepare. Here is the first of many of these: a free PDF for you to download, containing an interview between Dr. Michael Laitman and Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.


Ask a question below!

Privacy: Any private information you submit will never be traded, rented or sold.


Know the Solution to the Crisis?


Win a free $50 coupon for our Kabbalah Bookstore, as well as a free copy of the book From Chaos to Harmony: The Solution to the Global Crisis According to the Wisdom of Kabbalah by writing Kabbalah’s solution to the crisis in your own words.

We will publish the winning answer in the Kabbalah Newsletter of Tuesday, 3 March, and send out the prizes in the same week. (Subscribe to the Kabbalah Newsletter by leaving your e-mail address in the “Kabbalah Newsletter” box in the right sidebar.)

To enter the competition, in the comments section below, leave your

  • name
  • contact e-mail, and
  • write Kabbalah’s solution to the crisis in your own words, in a 140 to 220 word count limit.

The writing style can be anything you like: informative, creative, personal, a bulleted list… The answer with the most “Wow! Factor” receives the prize.

Click here to subscribe to the RSS feed of Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog, to stay updated with Kabbalah’s message in response to the crisis and world events.

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!


Misconceptions of Kabbalah – Numerology

We are continuing the “Misconceptions of Kabbalah” posts with this one on numerology…

PART OF AN ENTRY SENT BY MARY DARE: I thought the Kabbalah had something to do with Numerology. Since I had never been good with numbers, I stayed away from it…

Numerology and Kabbalah

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Kabbalah
FROM THE BOOK: The term numerology did not exist in authentic Kabbalah; contemporary scholars linked the two. Although numerology is not an accurate term to describe Kabbalah’s treatment of numbers, there is probably no better word to use if you want to translate the Hebrew term Gimatria into English.

Gimatria, in simple terms, describes a Kabbalist’s experience of the divine. In Kabbalah, the ego performs Yihudim (unifications) with the Creator. The shape of Hebrew letters depicts such unifications through dots and lines over a white background. The dots and the lines symbolize the states of the Kabbalist, who perceives the Creator. The white background symbolizes the divine light, the Creator.

In Hebrew, each letter of the 22-letter alphabet is assigned a specific number… The correlation between letters and numbers created a way for Kabbalists to describe to each other what they experienced in a concise and accurate manner. For example, the word Nega (affliction) and the word Oneg (pleasure) have the exact same letters (in a different order) and, therefore, the same numeric value. The inversion in the order of letters indicates that when affliction is corrected (from egoism to giving), a person experiences pleasure.

p. 11 in The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Kabbalah by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD and Collin Canright.

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!

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