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February 2, 2025

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Learn the Language of the Spiritual World and Why You Would Give Everything to Study

Learn the Language of the Spiritual World and Why You Would Give Everything to Study

How Kabbalists Carved Cracks between Worlds, Creating the Ultimate Code

Because our vocabulary is limited by our perception of the world, which is connected to the concepts of time, space, and motion, we have no words to express or convey spiritual concepts. We have developed our whole vocabulary from being in this world, and thus, if we want to use mundane words to name spiritual phenomena, such words are inadequate.

It is difficult to find words that explain the experience of spirituality to someone who has never felt it. Although we may want to describe a spiritual object, we have only corporeal words to name it. If even a single concept does not find precise correspondence in words, the correct meaning of the entire science will be ruined. Thus, the problem of relating to the spiritual world without the appropriate words or language to describe it remains unsolved.


Translating Across Dimensions – Who Was the Genius & How Was It Done?

Every object and action in our world originates from a corresponding one in the spiritual world. Therefore, Kabbalists have found a reliable way to convey information and knowledge to one another. They use the names of objects and actions (branches) in our material world to describe the corresponding objects and actions (roots) in the spiritual world.

This language was developed by people who attained the spiritual worlds while still living in our world, and accurately knew these correspondences. Hence, Kabbalists aptly named it “the language of the branches.”

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The One Choice You Should Make to Unleash Your Spiritual Power

The One Choice You Should Make to Unleash Your Spiritual Power

The Spiritual Bar Is High, So Where Will I Find Strength to Leap Over?

We can unite with the Creator by equalizing our properties, desires, and goals with His, by completely destroying egoism and selflessly doing good things. However, a question arises: where will a complete egoist (one unable to make a spiritual or physical movement unless it offers personal benefits) find the strength and motivation to live for the sake of others? The answer to this question can be easily understood with an example from life…


The Secret of Strength – Changing Work into Reward

Imagine a situation in which you wholeheartedly wish to give a present to someone who is important in your eyes, someone you love and respect. Suppose this person agrees to accept your gift, or agrees to come to your home for dinner.

Although you spend money and work hard to treat the important guest well, you enjoy it as if it is not you, but the guest who does you a favor, giving and entertaining you by consenting to accept your treat. Hence, if we could imagine the Creator as someone we respect, we would gladly please Him.


How to Permanently Surround Yourself with a Spiritual Power Generator

We can observe the laws of the universe only if we attain the Creator’s greatness. Then, when we work for His sake and realize His grandeur, it is as though we receive from Him. Yet, since thoughts depend on the influence of society and social environments, everything that society praises also becomes elevated in the eyes of the individual. Hence, the most important thing is to be among as many people who exalt the Creator as possible.


Employ the Power Paradox:  Make Yourself Small to Reach the Highest Heights

If our environment does not elevate the Creator to the proper level, it will not allow us to attain spirituality. A student should feel like the smallest of all the students. In this way, the student can absorb society’s views, and in that state, the student considers society’s views as important. For this reason comes the truism, “Buy for yourself a friend.” Indeed, the more people influence me with their opinions, the more diligently I will be able to work on myself, on correcting my egoism, in order to feel the Creator.

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Why Now Is the Time of Deliverance & the Great Gift It Offers

Why Now Is the Time of Deliverance & the Great Gift It Offers

Step One – Grab the Power of Kabbalah Like a Rope Thrown to a Drowning Person

There are two parts to Kabbalah: revealed and hidden. Both constitute the Creator’s thoughts. Kabbalah is like a rope thrown from above to a drowning person in a sea of egoism. By observing spiritual laws, a person prepares for the second, main stage when the one who observes and the one who obliges spiritually merge.


Revealed! The Steps on the Spiritual Ladder and What You Will See on the Climb

Those who observe spiritual rules go through five levels: NefeshRuachNeshamaHaya, andYechida. Each level consists of five sub-levels, which are then divided into five additional sub-levels. In all, the ladder of spiritual ascent, or closeness to the Creator, consists of 125 steps. The five main steps of this ladder are called “worlds.” Their sub-levels are called Partzufim, which consist of Sefirot.

All that exists in a certain spiritual world perceives the objects in that world and below it. However, they cannot even imagine or feel anything from a higher world. Therefore, one who reaches one of the 125 levels attains all the souls that exist there from the past, present, and future generations and remains there with them.


How Through Kabbalah You Can Gain Sight of Incredible Levels of Attainment

We, who exist only in our world, are unable to imagine or feel anything existing at other levels or other worlds, including those that populate them.

Kabbalists that reach a certain level on their path to the Creator can describe that level with expressions that only people who attained it can understand. Those who have not attained the described level can be confused by such descriptions and be led away from the correct understanding.

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You Can Totally Transform Your Nature and Reveal the Secrets of the Universe

You Can Totally Transform Your Nature and Reveal the Secrets of the Universe

The Bad News Is – Transformation Is Beyond Your Power; The Good News Is – There Is Another Way

By following the Creator’s will, feelings, and thoughts, we become like Him. In the same way that the Creator acts only for the sake of His created beings, we have to wish well for our fellow beings and to be good to them all.

However, is it possible for us to do good to others with absolute selflessness?

After all, the Creator created us as absolute egoists, possessing only the will to enjoy. It is impossible for us to transform our nature. Even if we could always be good to each other, we would consciously or subconsciously try to derive some benefit for ourselves. Unless we see some self-profit, we are unable to make even the slightest movement for the sake of another.


Why You Should Learn How to Draw the Light Upon Yourself through Kabbalah

People are powerless to change their nature of absolute egoism, let alone transform it into something completely opposite. We are unable to be good without receiving honor, rest, fame, health, or money in return.

This is why the method of observing the spiritual laws through Kabbalah was given to humanity. Using the method of Kabbalah, we can draw the light upon ourselves that transforms our nature. There is no other means by which our nature can be changed.


To Envision Your Transformation, Take Example from Nature

The body and its organs make a single whole and constantly exchange sensations and information. For example, if the body feels that one of its parts can improve the general condition of the whole body, that particular part immediately feels it and fulfills this will. In case some body part suffers, the whole body instantly knows about it and tries to improve the situation.

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Discover How to Travel to the Spiritual World and What Awaits You There

Discover How to Travel to the Spiritual World and What Awaits You There

Meet the Greatest Gift You Can Reach in the Spiritual Realm and the Big Question It Raises for You

Kabbalah explains that the correct, consistent observance of spiritual laws leads to adhesion with the Creator. Yet, what does the word “adhesion” mean? Indeed, because of the limits of time, a three-dimensional space, and bodily desires, our thoughts cannot grasp the Creator, i.e. the quality of love and bestowal. Therefore, as long our thoughts are bound by these limits, we cannot be objective.


How to Open the Door to the Spiritual Dimension through Transcending the Ego

As we transcend our egos, the will to receive and the definitions of time, space, and motion change. They acquire a spiritual dimension. In that state, we control our will to receive and are not governed by it. Therefore, our thoughts do not depend on the will to receive, and hence are objective.


Use the Premier Trick of Play Acting to Merge with the Creator

Kabbalah offers the attainment of equivalence of properties and actions with the Creator as a means of nearing Him. It says: merge with His actions; be as kind, caring, and as humble as He. Yet, how can one be sure that the Creator’s actions and the Creator Himself are the same? Moreover, why should I merge with Him by imitating His actions?

In the material world, we imagine merging, or adhesion, as shortening the distance between bodies, and understand separation as moving away from one another. However, the spiritual realm lacks such concepts as time, space, and motion. This is why the equivalence of properties between two spiritual objects draws them closer to one another, and the difference in properties moves them apart. There can be no adhesion or separation (in contrast to the adhesion or separation in space) because the spiritual object itself takes no place.


Why You Must Avoid the Proverbial Axe that Cuts Off Spirituality and How to Do It

Just as an axe divides a physical object, the appearance of a new property in a spiritual object divides it into two parts. That is, if the difference in properties is insignificant, then the spiritual objects are close to one another.

The bigger the distinction between their properties, the more remote they are from one another. If they love each other, they are spiritually “close,” and the distance between their corporeal shells is unimportant. The relationship between them is determined by their spiritual affinity.  If one likes something that is disliked by another, the distance between them depends on the difference in their views and sensations. They are considered completely opposite if one of them likes everything the other hates.


You Can Use Your Affinity for Spirituality to Take You There

Thus, we see that in the spiritual world (the world of desires), similarity or difference in aspirations, desires, ideas, and properties plays the role of an axe, dividing the spiritual into parts. The distance between spiritual objects is determined by the extent of incongruence between their sensations and properties.

To the extent that our attributes are similar to the Creator’s, we feel Him, become part of Him, and merge with Him.

Dr. Michael Laitman, in “The Purpose of Life Is the Revelation of the Creator.”

Awakening to Kabbalah by Dr. Michael Laitman“Discover How to Travel to the Spiritual World and What Awaits You There” is based on the book, Basic Concepts in Kabbalah: Expanding Your Inner Vision by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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Image: "Thick arrow made from jigsaw puzzle pieces" by Horia Varlan.
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