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February 2, 2025

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Learn the Language of Spirituality

Learn the Language of Spirituality

The Wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us, that the most important written source to guide us on the spiritual path is The Book of Zohar. We also learn that that Zohar is not really a book, but a while system that can induce inner changes in us, if we approach out properly.

The Significance of ”Letters” in the Book of Zohar

Let us now approach the first reading of The Book of Zohar. The excerpt below is taken from the portion VaYikra [The Lord called], and discusses letters.

“Ask for a letter from the Lord your god; ask either in the depth, or raise it above. What is the difference between the first generations and the last generations? The first generations knew and observed the high wisdom; they knew how to put together the letters that Moses was given in Sinai. …And we know that in the upper letters that extend from Bina, and in the lower letters that extend from Malchut, it is wise to conduct actions in this world.”

Where do letters come from? They come from the upper force. I must demand of the upper force to give me letters.


Letters Are Forms Resembling Spirituality

What are “letters”? Letters are forms by which I turn my substance—the will to receive, the ego—into being similar to the upper force—the power of love and giving. Each letter is a new form of giving that I have built within me, and in which I am somewhat similar to the upper force.

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How the Book of Zohar Can Help You Develop Spiritually

How the Book of Zohar Can Help You Develop Spiritually

What Is the Book of Zohar?

“Studying The Zohar builds worlds.”
– Rabbi Shalom Ben Moshe Buzzaglo, The King’s Throne

Ten Kabbalists, headed by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi), joined together at the highest spiritual degree. From their union, they wrote The Zohar for us. The Zohar is not merely a book. It is a closed system, from our level to the highest level of reality. It is a system designed to launch us into experiencing unbounded existence, both in understanding and feeling the whole of Nature.


Why the Book of Zohar Is So Special

The book is built in a very special way. It speaks of things that seemingly happen in our world: stories about people, animals, trees and flowers, mountains and hills. However, in truth, it tells us about the soul and the higher forces.

Thousands of years after the writing of The Zohar, the greatest Kabbalist of the 20th century, Baal HaSulam, wrote the Sulam [Ladder] commentary on The Zohar, where he explained The Zohar in the language of Kabbalah. The language of Kabbalah helps us put the pieces together and understand what is really being said in The Zohar.


A Book That Inverts Your Perception Of Reality

When you read The Zohar with the Sulam commentary, even without first understanding how everything unfolds, The Zohar begins to change our perception into an opposite perception. It changes our attitude toward the world. The Zohar provides examples that connect us to our next state, a more evolved state in giving.

It is similar to the way we rear our children. We continue to show them examples of a slightly more advanced state in order to develop them. Thus, we gradually bring them to more evolved states. The Zohar affects us similarly, unveiling the next degree that awaits us.

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Contrasts – Ego and Love

 Contrast_Ego and Love

 We must not destroy anything within us.

Even the most negative attributes should remain.
We do not create anything new,
but only correct how we use
what already exists within us.

Question: Why were we created with ego in the first place, if we will eventually have to correct it?

We come to know the world by comparing opposites —hot vs. cold, black vs. white. We recognize one in relation to the other. If everything were white, we wouldn’t detect anything. Likewise, if everything were black, we wouldn’t detect anything, either.

Contrast is always necessary, the disparity between colors, sensations, and places. We sense the differences between things, but not each thing separately.

The Creator is love and bestowal. However, we will not be able to sense what bestowal is if we are not opposite to it. This is why we need the ego—“help made against him.” Being opposite from the Creator helps us know and sense the Creator.

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Why Spiritual Development Requires Proper Examples From Proper Teachers

Ocean Shores, Washington, Dec 31, 1998

Humans Develop Through The Examples Of Others

The Wisdom of Kabbalah is the practical method, that can help any person to enter spirituality, perceiving the fixes operating reality, attaining the Upper Force.

To begin to understand how the wisdom of Kabbalah assists us in sensing the upper force, consider a growing child. There is nothing more natural than the process of maturing, hence this comparison will accompany us throughout the book.

When a baby is born, it begins to hear, to see, and to react. It learns and develops from examples that we present to it.
If we left the baby to grow in the woods, it would imitate the animals and grow like an animal. With the exception of a few instincts and reflexes, everything about us comes from learning.


Can Spirituality Be Developed Through Observational Learning?

Can we learn the upper system in the same way if we do not feel it? How can we be like that baby, or even a drop of semen that only wishes to be born into a new quality called “giving”?

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The Magical Play of Light: Color in the Spiritual Worlds

The Magical Play of Light: Color in the Spiritual Worlds

How to Become Light Sensitive to the Colors of Connection

Everything that The Zohar and the wisdom of Kabbalah talk about are forms or types of the connection between us. The Creator or the Upper Light has no form; we cannot feel Him. The types and forms of connection of bestowal and love between us by being equivalent to the Light, give the Light form, color, and gradations of qualities. I can distinguish and “pick up” the Light in my own qualities to the extent that they are similar to Him.

Therefore, whatever we read about in The Zohar always refers to types of connection between souls. We reveal the Light according to the forms of connection that manifest between us. Otherwise the Light is impossible to “pick up” (reveal). “There is no Light” if I don’t paint it with different colors. The Light that comes to me should necessarily be colored as the seven colors of the rainbow. Without this, I, as a created being, will not see it; I will be unable to sense or perceive it. [Source: Dr. Michael Laitman, “Through the Seven Colors of the Rainbow to the Simple White Light.”]


Worlds of Color According to Your Spiritual Sensitivity

The Zohar ascribes a specific color to each Sefira:

  • White corresponds to Sefirat Hochma;
  • Red corresponds to Sefirat Bina;
  • Green corresponds to Sefirat Tifferet; and
  • Black corresponds to Sefirat Malchut.

Although the Light that fills the Sefirot is colorless, receivers see it with its corresponding hue. Thus, in all five worlds (from Ein Sof to our world), the Light that emanates from the Creator is an absolutely colorless, imperceptible substance. Only after it traverses the worlds and Sefirot as if through color filters do we perceive it as having a certain color and intensity, depending on the level of the soul that receives the Light.

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