Harry Potter and the Globally Increasing Attraction to the Mystical

The Secret of Harry’s Magic
The Secret of Harry’s Magic

An Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 8

Harry, the amiable, bespectacled youth who attends the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, must fight wicked witches and monsters to save the human race. But Harry’s struggles are not a unique phenomenon. They are the culmination of a globally increasing attraction to the mystical, hence young Potter’s success.

Along with Harry came other cinematographic hits such as The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings. We can point out many more examples but the idea is clear: we fancy fantasy. What is it that attracts us to mysticism? What are we trying to find there that we cannot find elsewhere? Do we really believe that such enchanted places and magic powers exist, or are we merely trying to escape our bleak reality? more…

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Diseases – a Result of Human Egoism, Kabbalah Says

The All-Purpose Remedy
The All-Purpose Remedy

Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 12

The World Health Organization reports that nearly 40 new diseases have emerged in the last 30 years, over 1,100 epidemic events took place in the last 5 years alone, and mental illnesses have become a plague. According to Kabbalah, one principal flaw stands behind all of this – human egoism. more…

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