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January 12, 2025

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To Achieve Spirituality a Spiritual Group Is Needed. Luckily, One Is Now Available to Anyone Who Would Like to Join It

To Achieve Spirituality a Spiritual Group Is Needed. Luckily, One Is Now Available to Anyone Who Would Like to Join It

When humankind achieves its goal … bringing them to the degree of complete love of others, all the bodies in the world will unite into a single body and a single heart. Only then will all the happiness intended for humanity become revealed in all its glory.
– Baal HaSulam, “The Freedom”

The Kabbalist Rabash Wrote Manuals for How to Form and Operate In a Group Seeking Spirituality

In our generation, the whole of humanity must become a single, large group, and correct itself. For this reason, Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (the Rabash), the firstborn son and successor of Baal HaSulam, wrote dozens of articles on the work in the group. He bequeathed to the world a detailed method for bonding, with instructions related to each of the states that arise in the relationship within the group. By his writings, we study and evolve in the spiritual.

Since man is created with a Kli [vessel] called “self-love” … and without annulling self-love, it is impossible to achieve … equivalence of form. And since it is against our nature, we need a society that will form a great force so we can work together on annulling the will to receive.

– Rabash, Rabash—the Social Writings, “Purpose of Society” 


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Do You Know the Most Important Thing You Need for Spiritual Advancement?

A Play That Transforms Into Life

To Reveal Spirituality a Person Needs to Be in a Group Devoted to Spirituality

One of the necessary means for spiritual development is the group. To be prepared for spiritual development, the Creator evokes two sensations within us. The first is one of emptiness with regard to this world, and the second is a longing to attain the source of life. This is the awakening of the “point in the heart.”

The point in the heart connects us to the place where we can feed and nourish it—the group. Indeed, you can see that those whose point in the heart has awakened are naturally drawn toward one another. This always happens in human society: birds of a feather flock together.

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How Your Perception of Reality Is a Product of Your Desire

How Your Perception of Reality Is a Product of Your Desire

Why the World Outside Us Is Actually a Part of Us

As we said above, at present we are perceiving a divided reality, sensing a part that belongs to me, and seemingly a part that belongs to others, or that is outside of my personal sphere.

Kabbalah teaches that the force that divides our picture of reality into two parts—internal and external—is the force of the shattering. After the shattering, part of our desires (our outer Kelim, “clothing” and “palace”) were no longer sensed as our own. It is like a person who received an anesthetic to the leg, and while his leg was being amputated, he laughed and talked, behaving as though nothing was happening to him because he felt nothing.

In these parts of the will, “clothing” and “hall,” we actually feel all that is not us, meaning the outside world. Around us are people, processes unfolding, and the entire world when in fact, they are all parts of our own desire.

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Questioning the Meaning of Life? Kabbalah Can Help

Questioning the Meaning of Life_Kabbalah Can Help

Kabbalah answers the question about the meaning of life. In reality, this question is very important. It is because in my search for an answer to this question, I primarily examine myself. Do I have the right attitude toward life in everything that I do?

I have the desire for pleasure that obligates me to create a family, have children, and care for them, my work, my future, my parents, my close environment, my city, my country, and maybe even the entire world. All this is only so that I suffer less.

So, can I take the reins? If not, can I at least analyze the situation, understand why it is happening and for what purpose? On the other hand, should I even strive upward? Read More »

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Why Our Perception of Reality Is Defective

Why Our Perception of Reality Is Defective

Why We Perceive Reality as Existing Outside of Ourselves

The Wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us that there is only a single creature, a single desire in reality we are all part of. But in order for us to actually perceive ourselves in that perfect, united state we have to approach it from an opposite section, state. Thus through a process called “breakage”this initially undivided desire was shattered into myriad of pieces, each perceiving itself separate from the rest.

It is no coincidence that we were made to perceive reality as divided into two parts—me and what is outside of me. If our perception were only internal we would never be able to rise above our egos toward the quality of love and giving. We would be wedged in one place, “chasing our own tails.”

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