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February 24, 2025

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The Curious Case of the Creator’s Concealment

The Curious Case of the Creator’s Concealment

Why the Creator Is Concealed

The sequence of the screens conceals the Creator from us. These screens exist in ourselves and in our souls. However, the Creator is everything outside of ourselves and our souls with their interfering screens. We can only perceive that minute part of the outer surroundings that can permeate our screen.

Everything that is outside of us is completely lost to our perception. In the same manner, in this world we see only those objects that are reflected on the inner surface of the eye, once they fall within the range of our vision.

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Revealed: Find Out What Spiritual Level You Are On

Revealed_Find Out What Spiritual Level You Are On

Are You On the Inanimate Level of Spirituality?

The lowest level on the scale of the spiritual resembles the inanimate part of nature, similar to bodies in space, or minerals, and so on. This inanimate level is also called “not alive.”

The inanimate level in the spiritual (or someone who is found there) is not capable of acting in an independent fashion. Nor can it reveal characteristics of its own, since the desire to have pleasure within it is so small that it is defined as merely guarding its characteristics and not furthering their development.

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How You Can Change what You Desire and Attain Spirituality

How You Can Change what Your Desire and Attain Spirituality

A Point in a Person’s Heart

All the desires of an individual are as if lodged in the heart, because they are felt there in a physiological form. Therefore, our hearts are considered representative of all of the desires of the body, and of our essence. The changes in one’s heart’s desires reveal the changes in one’s personality.

From our birth, that is, from the time we appeared in this world, our hearts are occupied only with worries of the body; and only the desires of the body concern it. The heart is filled only with the desires of the body, and from them it lives.

But deep inside the heart, in the depth of all the desires, is a point that is hidden behind all the petty and temporary desires and is not perceived by us. It is the need for spiritual sensation. This point is a part of the Creator Himself.

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The 4 Stages of Spiritual Perception

The 4 Stages of Spiritual Perception

Gradual Evolution of Spiritual Perception

Our path leading to the Creator goes from complete concealment to full revelation.

Starting from the initial point at which we find ourselves in accordance with our present desires (“our world”) until the final destination at which we must arrive even against our will (“the world to come”), our path is divided into four stages or states:

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Beginning Your Communication with the Creator

Beginning Your Communication with the Creator

Everything That Exists Is the Creator

All the worlds and their inhabitants, all that we feel around us, as well as we ourselves, comprise only a part of Him. More precisely, we are Him. All of our thoughts and actions are determined by our desires. The intellect only serves to help us achieve that which we desire.

When we receive our desires, they are bestowed upon us from Above, and only the Creator Himself can change them.

The Creator did this intentionally in order for us to understand that everything that happened to us in the past, present, and future in every area of life is absolutely dependent upon Him. Our situations can only improve if He so wishes, since only He is the cause of what happened, happens and will happen.

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