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March 3, 2025

Archive for Anti-Semitism

The World, the Jews and the Science of Human Survival [Course]

The World, the Jews and the Science of Human Survival

Anti-Semitism, division, separation, violent conflicts and a general breakdown of the institutions of human society.

Is there a science that can explain the laws that govern our development as a society, as a species? What can 4000 years of human history and big data tell us about ourselves? Why is it that despite our technological advancement we’re still facing the same issues that have been plaguing our society for millennia? And what do the tales in the bible have to do with it? Could there be a deeper meaning to the texts that have been capturing our imagination, uniting us and separating us at the same time? Is it possible that science, religion and human history are not at odds with each other but are actually different points of view of the same thing? Different points of you?

We promise to answer these questions and many others about the origin of the Jewish people, their unique role in humanity and how can we come out of the crisis that is gripping the world today. Start the course »


The Secret to Why You Suffer in Life

The Secret to Why You Suffer in Life

A Hidden Hand behind Anti-Semitism

When I read the newspapers and listen to the radio, I see that the nations of the world treat me differently because I belong to the Jewish people. The attitude is laden with hostile, anti-Semitic emotions.

Even within Israel and around it there are peoples who wish to destroy, or at the very least, subdue the Jewish people. Our challenge is to treat this situation as one that comes to us from the Creator and that it is happening in our favor, so that we will change our line of thinking and the way we work. It is happening so that we will rise above our normal human reaction, from an instinctive reaction to what our eyes see to questioning the reasons for what is happening around us.

If I do not relate to the phenomenon of anti-Semitism as it is, but to the reason behind it, I will then be operating in the spiritual degree called “humanity.” This is the only way for me to develop an ability to understand the essence of events. Instead of running away from situations, like an animal runs from a hunter, I can actually change external causes.


Kabbalah Unveils the Purpose behind all Human Suffering

There is only one reason for all the pains of this world: to make us wonder at their meaning, to raise us from a level of aimlessly suffering to a level where we think about and analyze the reason and the purpose for the pains. The spreading of the wisdom of Kabbalah brings the purpose and cause of the pains to the public awareness. By doing so, we can shorten the amount of time it takes for every person to understand the cause for suffering and realize that there is no pain without a reason, that it comes from the Creator. The purpose of the operations that the Creator performs on us is to develop in us, through a series of negative situations, a grown-up attitude toward pain. Therefore, we should not escape them, only use them and see them as a gift from the Creator.

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Yom Kippur Explained [Video]

Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the Yom Kippur holiday and the story of Jonah with “Like A Bundle of Reeds” executive editor, Chaim Ratz.

“Like A Bundle of Reeds” is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the following topics, among others:

  • Are Jews different from other nations?
  • Why is there anti-Semitism?
  • Could the Holocaust happen again?
  • What can I do?
  • Why are there Jews?

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How Israel Can Fulfill Its Role in the World

How Israel Can Fulfill Its Role in the World

Israel: The Journey from Spirituality to Corporeality

The awakening desire for spirituality is called “the land of Israel.” The people who lived in the land of Israel before the ruin of the Second Temple were in spiritual attainment. This means that the spiritual degree of the people of Israel and its presence in the corporeal land of Israel matched at that time. In that state, the people merited living in the land of Israel. When the people of Israel lost their spiritual degree and yielded to egoistic desires—due to the growth of the ego—the mismatch between their spiritual level and their presence in the land of Israel prompted the ruin of the Temple and the exile.

While the past spiritual fall caused the exile of the people of Israel from their land and their dispersion among the nations, today the situation is reversed: the physical return to the land of Israel preceded the spiritual return. Nevertheless, the match between the spiritual root and the corporeal branch must be kept, and for that reason the people of Israel are obliged to attain the spiritual degree called “land of Israel.” For that objective, the wisdom of Kabbalah is a means for the people to correct themselves.


Why the Israeli Nation Must Develop Spirituality to Secure Their Homeland

When Rabbi Ashlag completed his Sulam commentary on The Zohar, he wrote, “From these words we learn that our generation is the generation of the days of the Messiah, hence we have been awarded the redemption of our Holy Land.… We have also been awarded the revelation of The Book of Zohar … but in both, we have only been awarded a gift from the Creator, but we have not received anything in our own hands.”

The physical end of the exile and the return of the people of Israel to their land is not enough. A spiritual return is required. Baal HaSulam distinguishes between what he calls “a time of giving” and “a time of receiving.” A time of giving pertains to the creation of potential existence by the upper force; and the time of receiving is the actual realization of the possibility.

Until the people are corrected, they will not feel comfortable in this land.

The uncertainty and insecurity of day-to-day existence in Israel is there to prompt its dwellers to rise to the spiritual level called “the land of Israel.” The goal of the upper force is to bring humankind to search for the reason, the root of all processes. All the pressures on the nation of Israel by other countries, and its interior social, personal, and national level crises, exist only to compel people to ask about the purpose of their existence in this world.

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The Roots of Anti-Semitism – Like a Bundle of Reeds with Dr. Michael Laitman

Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the roots of anti-Semitism and why anti-Semitism is on the rise with Like a Bundle of Reeds executive editor, Chaim Ratz.

Like a Bundle of Reeds is a TV series originally broadcast on JLTV based on the book of the same title. It deals with the topics of the difference between Jews and other nations, Jewish roots, why is there anti-Semitism, whether the Holocaust could happen again, and what is role of a Jewish person.

Like a Bundle of Reeds by Dr. Michael LaitmanLike a Bundle of Reeds: why unity and mutual guarantee are today’s call of the hour is a book Dr. Michael Laitman available for free download as an eBook at the following link: www.BundleofReeds.com.

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