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January 10, 2025

Archive for Altruism

Introducing the Forces of Spiritual Development

Introducing the Forces of Spiritual Development

The Two Forces that Develop Humanity

Since the Creator always remains in the state of absolute rest, we, as His creations, also strive to attain the state of rest in order to reach that which is desired. The Creator has created two forces for the sake of our development: the force that pushes us from behind—the suffering that forces us to escape from the unbearable state we are in; and the force of attraction, which draws us by the pleasures anticipated ahead.

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The Egoist’s Guide to Spiritual Advancement

The Egoist’s Guide to Spiritual Advancement

Placing Complete Trust in the Creator

When the desire for spirituality washes up in a person one enthusiastically jumps into the framework. But if we want to engage in self-improvement and study Kabbalah, then the body immediately poses the question: Why is this necessary?

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How Selfish Giving Produces Spiritual Advancement

How Selfish Giving Produces Spiritual Advancement

Overcoming Distractions Along the Spiritual Path

When we are distracted by outside thoughts, we feel that thoughts obstruct us from ascertaining the spiritual, because our strength and minds are wasted on extraneous concerns, while our hearts become filled with petty desires. At times like this, we lose faith in the fact that only Kabbalah contains the true life.

Once we overcome this condition, we come out of our state and move into the Light, receiving a higher Light that helps us ascend further. In this manner, our extraneous thoughts work to help us in our spiritual advancement.

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Spiritual Advancement by Correcting Egoism

Spiritual Advancement by Correcting Egoism

The Mechanics of Initially Perceiving the Creator

In order for one who is still under the influence of egoism to perceive the closest Upper Object (the Creator), the Creator must equalize some of His qualities with those of the lower being—the person seeking a connection with the Creator.

He will endow some of His altruistic qualities with egoistic attributes, and can then come into balance with the person seeking connection with Him.

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Using Freedom of Choice to Reveal Spirituality

Using Freedom of Choice to Reveal Spirituality

The Creator’s Concealment Creates Free Choice

In our present state dominated by our ego we existence a life full of obstacles and hardship. We hear about the perfect reality dominated by the Creator, love and bestowal but we don’t sense that reality.

If, despite our egoism, we were able to see the Creator, naturally we would prefer His world over ours, since the first contains all pleasure and no suffering.

However, freedom of choice and free will can only exist in the absence of our perception of the Creator while He is in concealment. But if, from the moment of birth, we are so strongly dominated by the ego that we cannot distinguish between the self and the ego, how can we choose to be free of the ego’s influence?

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