Get Inner Vision to the World of Forces

Get Inner Vision to the World of Forces

Abraham realized that the world perceived through our senses is a superficial blanket covering a complex interaction of forces. [Tweet This]

When a person attains the revelation of the true nature and reveals an inner vision, he starts to see one more reality inside of him in addition to the one he felt before. This is a world of forces that becomes revealed to him. These forces, which act inside of his desire, bring him all kinds of experiences and impressions, depicting different forms and pictures inside of him. He perceives this new reality more intensely than our current one, and feels that it determines what happens in our reality.

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The Delicate Balance That Will End Racism For Good

The Delicate Balance That Will End Racism For Good

The force driving racism is egoism & by transcending egoism we can eliminate racism. [Tweet This]

Racism is a state in which a person’s senses are not directed only towards having things be good for himself, but also that he enjoys it when things are bad for others. We constantly compare ourselves to others: the worse it is for them, the better it is for us. An important factor in the eruption of racism are issues of nationalism or races; after all, we are not alike, we are different, dissimilar. As a result, on the one hand, we are moving to a state of mutual hostility and hatred; on the other hand, to the disclosure of our overall integral dependence on each other. And here is where we require the wisdom of Kabbalah to balance the two mutual forces that mutually reject each other.

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One Wake-Up Call for All Humanity

One Wake-Up Call for All Humanity

The goal of creation is not for only one person to achieve the Creator-like state, but for humanity to achieve it. [Tweet This]

Today, in the present stage of development, everyone has received an awakening, an “invitation,” a call, a push, an opportunity for correction and for participation in the process. We must learn how to use the unified system and its laws to bring ourselves to the first state of wholeness: the goal of creation. That is what we must attain. The present stage of historical development is characterized by everyone beginning to feel more or less, that we are living in a unique time and that humanity must pass through major changes. Beginning with us and moving outward, we become active parts that can even activate the system.

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The Exquisite Lightness of a Hidden Dimension Is Yours to Taste

The Exquisite Lightness of a Hidden Dimension Is Yours to Taste

Beyond this world is an endless power & intensity, & the sensation of love encompasses a person entirely. [Tweet This]

The wisdom of Kabbalah is beyond this world and above our unconscious state. Every moment spent studying Kabbalah with the intention of getting closer to a new reality and getting rid of unconsciousness is a moment well spent. The wisdom of Kabbalah is hidden from our senses and intellect. It belongs to a different dimension, one which we are incapable of perceiving and exploring directly.

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The “Butterfly Effect” of Bestowal

The Butterfly Effect of Bestowal

Spirituality is what creates & cares for all aspects of life, which is why it’s called “the quality of bestowal”.
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The “butterfly effect” that operates in an integral system has an optimistic side: a small action on our part for the benefit of society can trigger a lot more goodness on the other side of the globe. This goodness sooner or later will return to us. Nature is stronger than all of our forces and will continue to “beat” us until we join it and fulfill the law of giving. Then, we will pave the safe way to happiness.

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