The World, the Jews and the Science of Human Survival [Course]

The World, the Jews and the Science of Human Survival

The World, the Jews and the Science of Human Survival

Anti-Semitism, division, separation, violent conflicts and a general breakdown of the institutions of human society.

Is there a science that can explain the laws that govern our development as a society, as a species? What can 4000 years of human history and big data tell us about ourselves? Why is it that despite our technological advancement we’re still facing the same issues that have been plaguing our society for millennia? And what do the tales in the bible have to do with it? Could there be a deeper meaning to the texts that have been capturing our imagination, uniting us and separating us at the same time? Is it possible that science, religion and human history are not at odds with each other but are actually different points of view of the same thing? Different points of you?

We promise to answer these questions and many others about the origin of the Jewish people, their unique role in humanity and how can we come out of the crisis that is gripping the world today. Start the course »

KabU Q&A Event with Tony Kosinec and Julian Edwards – March 28, 2018

Recording of the KabU Live Q&A event with Tony Kosinec and Julian Edwards that took place on Wednesday, March 28.

World Kabbalah Convention 2018 in North America, Early Bird Discount

After starting your journey into the wisdom of Kabbalah with KabU’s free courses, you can join in live Q&A sessions with KabU instructors such as Tony Kosinec and Julian Edwards, and get your questions answered.

This Q&A session introduced the 2018 World Kabbalah Convention as the best possible action a Kabbalah student could do in order to see results from the spiritual path.

The activities at a World Kabbalah Convention contribute to forming the strongest spiritual environment for accelerating a person’s spiritual progress.

We’d love to see you at this year’s World Kabbalah Convention in New Jersey!

? Find out more about the convention
? Get your convention tickets (earlybird discount till mid-April)

Having taught over 180,000 students worldwide, KabU is the number one authority for authentic Kabbalah, combining intellectual study with an emotionally transformative experience.

KabU was founded by Bnei Baruch (, a global educational organization dedicated to the mission of its founder Kabbalist and global thinker Dr. Michael Laitman to bring balance and fulfillment to the world.

All KabU instructors are advanced students of Dr. Laitman with years of experience developing study programs, writing books and articles and teaching Kabbalah.

An Examination into the Age-Old Question about the Meaning of Life

What Is the Meaning of Life - Infographic

What is the meaning of life? Is it to be happy, to love, to be free, powerful, to have goals and dreams we’re working toward, to survive, evolve and reproduce, to be good people, to worship God and enter heaven in the afterlife? Or does life have no meaning? Should the question about the meaning of life better be ignored, i.e. if there’s no clearly attainable and provable answer to the question among all people, then maybe it causes division and pain when raising it, so maybe we should just learn to survive as best as possible and not deal with the meaning of life? Or maybe life is just plain bad, and we’re destined to make our way here, each one on the ruin of others, as best as we can while we’re here for a numbered amount of years?

The wisdom of Kabbalah has existed for thousands of years as a method for answering the question about the meaning of life. We interviewed Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman to answer questions in relation to the age-old existential question. Read the interview here: What Is the Meaning of Life? – An Examination