You’re One Step Away from Understanding and Feeling MUCH GREATER Depths of Wisdom and Sensation

KabU Kabbalah Retreat 2021

Let’s get this started with a quote by a wise man, a student at KabU:

“I wish each of you could just reach in and take out some of this heat, and even fire, and I’m sure you all have that same kind of feeling.”

If you watch the 2 min. video, “Get a Taste of the KabU Retreat,” then you’ll hear these words stated by the KabU student, at the peak period of a retreat, when everyone is by the campfire after hours of lessons, workshops, meals, and other activities together.

What makes us wise is our choice of environment.

Simply by getting his tickets to the KabU Kabbalah Retreat and letting the environment of the retreat do its work, the KabU student came to understand and feel much greater depths of wisdom and sensation than if he didn’t take that step.

That’s why we at KabU put so much into the Kabbalah Retreat—it’s an opportunity like no other to immensely advance the spirituality of everyone who attends.

So put the world and your worries aside for 3 days, and immerse yourself in this environment made to attract the spiritual forces of love, bestowal, and connection as optimally as possible.

Just get your tickets, and we’ll take care of the rest 🙂

Get Your Early Bird Tickets (Save $100 In-Person, $50 Virtual) »

MAKE IT REAL – KabU Kabbalah Retreat 2021
– In-Person: Iroquois Springs, Catskills Mountains, NY
– Virtual: From the Comfort of Your Own Home
– October 1-3

See you soon!

You’re Invited to This Year’s BIGGEST KabU Event – KabU Kabbalah Retreat 2021

KabU Kabbalah Retreat 2021

Would you pass up the opportunity to attain over a year’s worth of spiritual advancement in just 3 days?

That’s exactly what you have a chance to do at this year’s BIGGEST KabU event: the Kabbalah Retreat 2021!

You’re invited to gather in-person at the beautiful Iroquois Springs in Catskills Mountains, New York, or virtually from the comfort of your own home, for 3 days of applying the method of Kabbalah in practice, on October 1-3.

The 3 days are packed with lessons, workshops, and other activities, meticulously organized for your optimal spiritual advancement.

At the retreat, you’ll

  • practically apply the wisdom of Kabbalah at a much faster pace than by studying alone,
  • learn how to connect the study of Kabbalah to your everyday life,
  • deepen your knowledge of Kabbalah through gaining a much deeper connection experience than in daily study, and you’ll also
  • get to know your fellow Kabbalah students and instructors up close!

If you’re a KabU member, then trust me – you don’t want to miss this.

Get Your Early Bird Tickets (Save $100 In-Person, $50 Virtual) »

See you there!

New Book Out Now – The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism

Rarely do Kabbalists see their dreams come true. Even more rarely do they see the fulfillment of the dreams of their great teachers. But today is such a festive day: With great joy, I want to share with you that my just released book, The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, brings to light everything my teachers had taught me.

The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism, by Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

They taught me that the fate of the Jewish people depends on their unity, that when they unite, they succeed, and when they hate each other, the world hates them.

Now, at last, packaged into one book, is an enormous collection of evidence from the entire history of the Jewish people that this is what actually transpires. It is a proof that the predictions of our sages are correct!

With the help of dozens of friends and students, a vast amount of resources has been collected, which points to the fact that, as one famous author put it, “The Jews are foiled by their own disunity.”

Indeed, The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism is like no other book you have ever read about Jews, about history, or about anti-Semitism. By the end of the book, you will know the reason for the oldest hatred, how it can be dissolved, and how Jews and non-Jews alike will benefit as a result.

I am grateful to the friends and students who have helped in seeing this project through. I am sure it will enlighten anyone who reads it just as it enlightened me while working on it.

In addition, as part of the release, we have printed the first 50 copies in Israel, and I have personally signed each one of them. Here is a link to this limited edition initial set:


Authentic Kabbalah Course in New York and Toronto Starting Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Dr. Michael LaitmanHello to anyone who knows me in some form, perhaps through my articles or interviews, or my posts or videos online. As far as I can remember, I was always interested in knowing the secret of life, the goal of life, the universe, why was it created, what human beings are for. I was very occupied with that. I went to study bio-cybernetics, the operating systems of the human body. It didn’t really answer what I wanted to know.

And then I came to the wisdom of Kabbalah. So if you’re interested in knowing the sources of wisdom that I learn from, I’m inviting you. You’ll see how much happiness it can add to your life.

We have designed a course that is suitable for everyone. It’s very easy and accessible. When you start, you’ll see how the most complex things can be made extremely simple. You’ll get step-by-step guidance by dedicated instructors. And to be honest, I envy you. It was very difficult for me to attain this wisdom, and I’m so happy that now I can pass it on easily and beautifully, so enjoy it!

If you’re in New York or Toronto, then follow this link to sign up:


Is There Life After Death?

What Happens When You Die? - Infographic

People who have survived clinical death have described a number of different experiences, among them being sensations of nothingness, peacefulness, seeing loved ones, out-of-body experiences where they see what’s going on around them, and either entering or heading toward a bright light. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, such experiences are psychological and don’t point out what really happens after we die. Near-death experiences do have a commonality that we can learn from, which is that we experience a certain sensation of freedom from our corporeal-material body. However, such freedom is temporary and limited compared to the sensation of freedom we can attain by freeing ourselves from the control of our egoistic desires that hold tightly onto us our entire lives. Kabbalah considers the latter true freedom, and that it is synonymous with the attainment of the soul. In other words, the soul is not something we are simply given upon our death, or even in our lives without any effort on our behalf. It is a new desire that we can develop and grow during our lives, with the help of the method of Kabbalah, where we discover our freedom from the hold of our egoistic desires.

We have created a page dedicated to answering common questions about what happens when we die: Do we enter an afterlife? Do we reincarnate? Do we merge with pure consciousness, or nothingness? What are near-death experiences and clinical death? Also, what is a soul, and how do we attain a soul? Follow the link in the above image in order to delve deeper into this topic.