Ask the Kabbalist Anything You Want

Ask the Kabbalist Anything You Want

As part of the build up to the live Q&A Celebration on Tuesday, 1 December, we are releasing previously unpublished episodes of Ask the Kabbalist with Dr. Michael Laitman through our blog.

We’ve already published the following episodes:

  • How Kabbalah Helps You in Everyday Life
  • How to Cross the Barrier into the Spiritual World
  • Why Are Wars on the Rise?
  • Besides Humans, Do Other Intelligent Life Forms Exist?
  • What Happens to the Soul After Suicide?
  • What Is the Meaning of Life?

…and we’re publishing a new one each day leading up to the Q&A Celebration on December 1.

Continue reading “Ask the Kabbalist Anything You Want”

Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist

Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist
Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist
Will Kabbalah Lead to a New Scientific Unified Field Theory? | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 5, with Dr. Michael Laitman.

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Why do people believe in the government?
  • Will Kabbalah lead to a new scientific unified field theory providing a link between the physical world and the spiritual?

Got a question you want Kabbalah’s answer on?

Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration on Tuesday, 5 January, 2016!…

Either click the banner or… Go Here to Ask Your Question »


Why Do We Live and What Is the Purpose of Our Development?

Why Do We Live and What Is the Purpose of Our Development

What Direction Do We Advance in?

Life puts a person in a framework he did not choose. We don’t know what destiny is prepared for us, who we shall meet today, what will happen to us on our way to work or back home, what to expect for our children and relatives.

We have no knowledge of what will happen to us; if we live a day without too much suffering, we are lucky: “Thank G-d! The day went well!”

Who are we compared to the universe with its endless stars and planets? Tiny bugs crawling on the surface of the Earth, whose whole lives are devoted to the struggle for survival.

And yet, we ask what the purpose of our lives is and are concerned about the purpose of our existence, the possibility of determining our future, managing the destiny of our families, people, countries, and the entire world. Everything depends on our ability to question ourselves about the ultimate goal of our development. We depend on the level from which we ask this questions and the accuracy of our search for the answer to it.

Continue reading “Why Do We Live and What Is the Purpose of Our Development?”

29 Questions You Never Thought Could Have Answers (But They Do)

29 Questions You Never Thought Could Have Answers_But They Do

To inspire you to really delve deep and ask this wisdom questions you don’t think can even be answered, here are 29 questions you never thought could have answers… but which do.

I.e. Kabbalah was made to answer all of these questions. We explain why in depth in our courses, but hope to give you a taste of it in the upcoming Q&A Celebration.

Here’s the list:

1. How can I feel happy all the time?

2. How can we achieve peace among all the different people, races, nations, cultures, classes – all the world’s divisions?

3. How can we make our world perfect to live in?

Want One of These Questions Answered? Ask It in the Q&A Celebration Page Here »

Continue reading “29 Questions You Never Thought Could Have Answers (But They Do)”