Unlocking the Secret Power Contained in Authentic Kabbalistic Books

Unlocking the Secret Power Contained in Authentic Kabbalistic Books

Kabbalistic Texts Contain a Correcting Force

When we are studying the Kabbalistic sources like the Book of Zohar, we don’t actually “study” for knowledge, but we aim for those sources to influence us, to tune us towards similarity with their source.

In reading The Zohar, we must intend for the upper force to affect us. The Zohar is built in such a way that it oozes into us bit by bit. Time and time again, with the same intention to grow, we should let The Zohar affect us. Then we will feel how it leads us from darkness to light.

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The Key to Acquiring Unlimited Pleasure

The Key to Acquiring Unlimited Pleasure

Kabbalah Is a Method to Change Our Internal Nature

In our world, day and night interchange by themselves as a result of the turning of the earth. In spirituality, it works differently: I myself turn the night into day because by reading in The Zohar and the work in the group, I invert the direction of the operation of my will to receive from inward to outward. That is, darkness and light depend on the way in which the desire operates.


The Difference Between Operating in Order to Receive And in Order to Bestow

Let us explain the above statement: The will to receive may operate in one of two ways—in order to receive or in order to give (also known as “in order to bestow”). When the desire operates in order to receive, it cannot contain anything. The pleasure cannot permeate the desire; it only touches the desire and we feel as though we are enjoying it, but it only seems so. In truth, the sense of pleasure disappears promptly after we receive it. This is so because the will to receive and the pleasure are opposites—the desire is like minus and the pleasure is like plus—neutralizing each other.

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How to Change Your Properties to Perceive the Hidden Spiritual Reality

How to Change Your Properties to Perceive the Hidden Spiritual Reality

The Process of Changing Our Properties to Be Like Those of the Spiritual Reality

The Book of Zohar is the most important writing in the Wisdom of Kabbalah. With its help one can gradually achieve self-correction, leading to equivalence of form with the Creator.

Let us now approach an excerpt from The Book of Zohar. The excerpt is taken from the portion Lech Lecha [go Forth], and talks about the middle line, the MAN of the righteous. MAN is one’s intention to develop into being similar to the Creator, and righteous are those who wish to be right. They wish to say that the Creator was right to create them, to justify Him, and justification is possible only by truly seeing and sensing what is happening in reality, out of the highest degree to which a person rises. This is what we wish to achieve through The Zohar.

He even plays with the souls in this world, since at midnight, all those true righteous awaken to read in the Torah and to sound the praises of the Torah. And the Creator and all those righteous in the Garden of Eden listen to their voices. And a thread of grace stretches over them during the day, meaning that by the MAN that they raise through the Torah and the praises, the middle line—the light of Hassadim [mercy]—extends to the Nukva [Aramaic: female]. And since they caused that light, they are rewarded with the same amount they have induced in the Nukva. This is the meaning of, “By day the Lord will command His mercy, and in the night His song shall be with me,” for because of the singing at night, one is rewarded with His mercy during the day.

Zohar for All, Lech Lecha [Go Forth], Item 132


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How Humanity Evolved to Desire Spirituality & How it Can Best Attain It

How Humanity Evolved to Desire Spirituality & How it Can Best Attain It

Today Humanity Is Entering a New Phase of Development

 When we equalize in every conduct with our root, we sense delight.

– Baal HaSulam, “The Giving of the Torah”

We are standing at a crucial point in history. Tens of thousands of years of human development, and billions of years of evolution have all occurred only to bring us to these moments of transformation, to the birth of the new humanity.


Where Is Evolution Leading Us?

If we examine Nature, we will see that it is constantly evolving. First, the inanimate evolved, then the vegetative, and finally the animate. Each such evolution is based on the evolution of the desire in the creature.

The desire that wishes only to sustain itself without change takes the form of inanimate. When the desire wishes to evolve, to move toward what is good for it and away from what harms it, the vegetative form appears. An even greater desire, which approaches the benefiting and turns away from the harmful by its own movement, takes on the animate form. All the forms we see before us in reality are only external envelopes that express the evolution of the only force that was created, “the will to receive delight and pleasure” or in short, “the will to receive.”

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To Achieve Spirituality a Spiritual Group Is Needed. Luckily, One Is Now Available to Anyone Who Would Like to Join It

To Achieve Spirituality a Spiritual Group Is Needed. Luckily, One Is Now Available to Anyone Who Would Like to Join It

When humankind achieves its goal … bringing them to the degree of complete love of others, all the bodies in the world will unite into a single body and a single heart. Only then will all the happiness intended for humanity become revealed in all its glory.
– Baal HaSulam, “The Freedom”

The Kabbalist Rabash Wrote Manuals for How to Form and Operate In a Group Seeking Spirituality

In our generation, the whole of humanity must become a single, large group, and correct itself. For this reason, Rav Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (the Rabash), the firstborn son and successor of Baal HaSulam, wrote dozens of articles on the work in the group. He bequeathed to the world a detailed method for bonding, with instructions related to each of the states that arise in the relationship within the group. By his writings, we study and evolve in the spiritual.

Since man is created with a Kli [vessel] called “self-love” … and without annulling self-love, it is impossible to achieve … equivalence of form. And since it is against our nature, we need a society that will form a great force so we can work together on annulling the will to receive.

– Rabash, Rabash—the Social Writings, “Purpose of Society” 


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