Unveiling the Way to Receive Spiritual Pleasures

Unveiling the Way to Receive Spiritual Pleasures

A Hidden World that Exists Above Our Own

The Wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us that the whole of reality is a single system where we can learn how to connect to the Creator, to become like Him.

To allow us to perform the entire process, the Creator created a communication system between Him and us. Through it He leads us from above, and through it we can ask from below and receive His assistance.

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Get to Know the Hidden System that Operates Reality

Get to Know the Hidden System that Operates Reality

Humanity Exists in a System with One Purpose


Behold that before the emanations were emanated and the creatures were created, the upper simple light had filled the whole existence. And there was no vacancy, such as an empty air, a hollow, but all was filled with that simple, boundless light.


…And when upon His simple will, came the will to create the worlds and emanate the emanations, to bring to light the perfection of His deeds, His names, His appellations, which was the cause of the creation of the worlds, then the Ein Sof restricted Himself, in His middle point, precisely at the center, and … a place was formed, where the Emanations, Creations, Formations, and Actions might reside.

– The Ari, The Tree of Life

We exist in a reality that includes the Creator, the creatures, and the system through which the Creator connects to the creatures. Through that system, the Creator leads us toward the purpose of creation—to do good to us, meaning to allow us to be like Him.

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How the Book of Zohar Can Correct Humanity’s Problems

How the Book of Zohar Can Correct Humanity’s Problems

How to Get the Most Out of Reading the Book of Zohar

While reading in The Zohar, we should want to connect to all the people in the world whose point in the heart has awakened, and who wish to receive from The Zohar the strength to develop, too. Thus, even if we are just beginners, we receive in return for our desire an enormous power that will push us forward.

This is a huge force that can invoke a significant change in the world. All we need is to approach The Zohar with a desire to bond with everyone.

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Discover the Most Powerful Spiritual Book Ever Written

Discover the Most Powerful Spiritual Book Ever Written

The Lead Author of the Book of Zohar

The Zohar is a gift that humanity has received from the Creator through the great Kabbalist, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. Rabbi Shimon was a special soul. He combined within him all the souls that preceded him. This is why he succeeded in leading the group that authored The Zohar to such unprecedented and never-repeated attainment—the end of correction.


The Spiritual Conditions Surrounding the Writing of the Zohar

The authors of The Zohar lived at a special time, which incorporated two completely opposite points: the end of their correction, on the one hand, and the spiritual ruin of the entire people, on the other hand. This is the reason why they succeeded in connecting the great light, called “upper radiance,” with our world.

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How to Acquire Eternal Pleasure

How to Acquire Eternal Pleasure

The Purpose Behind Human Reincarnation

Even if one lived a thousand years, on the day he departs from the world, it will seem to him as though he lived only one day.
– Zohar for All, VaYechi [Jacob Lived], Item 293

After the demise of the body, if we did not rise from the animate level to the human level during our lives, if we did not achieve equivalence of form—acquired the quality of love and giving and became similar to the Creator, and thus revealed the Creator— nothing remains of us. The spiritual point that was in us, and which we did not develop, reincarnates into our world, acquires a new clothing (additional egoistic desire), and a new cycle of life begins. only by studying the wisdom of Kabbalah can we rise to the degree of man.

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