What’s Your Deepest Question You’d Like Resolved this Year?

Whats Your Deepest Question Youd Like Resolved this Year

Whats Your Deepest Question Youd Like Resolved this Year

Confidence by Hartwig HKD Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

As you head into 2016, do you find yourself thinking about what you’re going to do/achieve/learn/change this year differently from the last?

Out of necessity, you think about how you can improve current relationships, find new ones, better arrange your finances, make more optimal use of your free time, and improve or develop certain skills for certain purposes.

But while you engage in all these things, do you also put time aside to work out where it’s all ultimately heading? Where it all came from? And what is it all for?

This year, we aim to make your clarifications about your life’s foundations and essence easy… and even fun.

At our upcoming Q&A Celebration, feel free to dig as deep as you want with your life’s questions heading into 2016, because Kabbalah was made to answer your very deepest questions:

Continue reading “What’s Your Deepest Question You’d Like Resolved this Year?”

What Is the Meaning of Life?

What Is the Meaning of Life

by lel4nd Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

How do you know if you’re asking about the meaning of life?

Does it mean you’re physically opening your mouth and saying those words: “What is the meaning of life?

Or does it mean that, even without verbalizing it, you feel an inexplainable empty feeling that haunts you?

It mightn’t even always be there, but it somehow presents itself from time to time: a lack of fulfillment of an unknown “something,” an incompleteness in knowing what’s really going on, a feeling that you might be putting pieces of the puzzle together, but there are a lot more pieces you haven’t yet found.

If there is a meaning and purpose to life, then wouldn’t it better to gain access to it, envision where it’s all headed, and know how to work towards it?

Continue reading “What Is the Meaning of Life?”

7 Hanukkah Definitions That Will Give You a Much Deeper Perspective on the Holiday

7 Hanukkah Definitions That Will Give You a Much Deeper Perspective on the Holiday

Photo: Robert Couse-Baker @flickr.com

As Hanukkah comes to a close, there’s no better time to have a final reflection on the holiday this year from a spiritual perspective. 

Below you’ll find 7 definitions of Hanukkah terms, as well as links to longer articles where you can get a much deeper perspective on the holiday, sourced in the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah.

Continue reading “7 Hanukkah Definitions That Will Give You a Much Deeper Perspective on the Holiday”

It’s Started – the Kabbalah LIVE Q&A Celebration

It’s Started_the Kabbalah LIVE Q&A Celebration


The Live Q&A Celebration has just started! …and we’re looking forward to an exciting and informative night together.

Here’s the link just in case you haven’t made it yet:


…and to fill you in on a little secret, just by attending live – you’ll be able to take part in some of our prize pack giveaways exclusively for live participants.

Anyway… what, you still here? Is this text really that much more interesting than watching the live show on now? Please, let me stop wasting your time with my blabber, and offer you this fine link to where the celebration’s at:

Go To The Live Q&A Celebration Now


Your friend at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah
Education & Research Institute

P.S. I can’t believe it! You really managed to get this far down the e-mail? Now let’s try this again… 1… 2… 3…

Go To The Live Q&A Celebration Now

Tonight’s the Big Night – Kabbalah LIVE Q&A Celebration

Tonights the big night_Kabbalah LIVE QA Celebration

Tonight’s the big night! The Kabbalah LIVE Q&A Celebration, “What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything!?”

Tuesday, 1 December is here, and as the night sets in, at 9:00 PM EST (U.S.), the action starts!

Here’s your link to join:


As well as getting your question answered, you will also go into the prize draw to win some free book & CD packages we’ll be giving away on the night.

See you soon!

Your friend at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah
Education & Research Institute