You’re One Step Away from Understanding and Feeling MUCH GREATER Depths of Wisdom and Sensation

KabU Kabbalah Retreat 2021

Let’s get this started with a quote by a wise man, a student at KabU:

“I wish each of you could just reach in and take out some of this heat, and even fire, and I’m sure you all have that same kind of feeling.”

If you watch the 2 min. video, “Get a Taste of the KabU Retreat,” then you’ll hear these words stated by the KabU student, at the peak period of a retreat, when everyone is by the campfire after hours of lessons, workshops, meals, and other activities together.

What makes us wise is our choice of environment.

Simply by getting his tickets to the KabU Kabbalah Retreat and letting the environment of the retreat do its work, the KabU student came to understand and feel much greater depths of wisdom and sensation than if he didn’t take that step.

That’s why we at KabU put so much into the Kabbalah Retreat—it’s an opportunity like no other to immensely advance the spirituality of everyone who attends.

So put the world and your worries aside for 3 days, and immerse yourself in this environment made to attract the spiritual forces of love, bestowal, and connection as optimally as possible.

Just get your tickets, and we’ll take care of the rest 🙂

Get Your Early Bird Tickets (Save $100 In-Person, $50 Virtual) »

MAKE IT REAL – KabU Kabbalah Retreat 2021
– In-Person: Iroquois Springs, Catskills Mountains, NY
– Virtual: From the Comfort of Your Own Home
– October 1-3

See you soon!