How To Step Out Of Illusion And Into True Reality

How To Step Out Of Illusion And Into True Reality

The world’s true state will be revealed when we become similar to the integral nature.

How do we find the true world, the true image where we really dwell, and not this nature that we supposedly feel ourselves in now? To do this we must study and engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Kabbalah translates to reception, perception, and feeling. Our imaginary world, which is formed for us today through our very limited physical senses, splits and opens before us and we begin to see another world, which is the next level of human development.

To develop new senses within us, we must go outside of ourselves, out from our present senses. Going outside of ourselves means to begin to link, participate, and connect with people like us.

New to Kabbalah?

Since the wisdom of Kabbalah is fundamentally different to all other teachings and contains different definitions of terms and concepts that we are raised to associate differently to how they’re presented in the wisdom of Kabbalah, we highly recommend signing up for the Free Kabbalah Course, which provides a detailed introduction to the wisdom, in order to best provide a person with an introduction to the wisdom’s basic concepts and fundamental principles, and through which you can decide whether you would like to continue the free studies in order to attain the goal of the wisdom. Click the banner below to go to the sign up page:

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