Larry King Interviews Dr. Michael Laitman [Full Interview]

Larry King interviews Dr. Michael Laitman on Kabbalah, anti-Semitism, belief in God, hope in the face of multiple wars and conflicts, and what happens when we die.

Larry King’s questions in the interview:

00:17 – What is Kabbalah?
00:35 – Is Kabbalah part of Jewish theology?
02:09 – What does the word “Kabbalah” mean?
02:27 – Would many Jewish leaders deny Kabbalah? Why?
03:45 – Are you worried that anti-Semitism is getting worse?
06:30 – Do you remain optimistic?
06:51 – Do you believe in God?
07:11 – Do you pray?
07:35 – Is the Jews’ responsibility toward the world a curse?
08:15 – When you see all the wars going on, people killing people, what makes you hopeful?
10:15 – Kabbalah is not faith. It’s science.
11:35 – What happens to us when we die?
12:13 – Do you fear death?
13:05 – What is the message Kabbalah is delivering?

7 Replies to “Larry King Interviews Dr. Michael Laitman [Full Interview]”

  1. I have studied Kabbalah, I have so much more to learn and internalize,
    The interview tapped on what Kabbalah actually is ” method ” a ” study of reality”
    Unfortunately , for those who are not informed, the interview and translation may cause confusion…
    Especially the emphasize on ” Jews” … The actual definition of “Jew” should have been expressed.

  2. With respect I was shocked to hear Dr. Michael say that he doesn’t believe in God. I personally have physically experienced God (gnosis) and God is energy albeit intelligent energy. Scientist are even accepting that a God must exist now. My intentions are not argue or try to persuade someone but rather express that I was surprised to hear his statement. Yet, I respect his thoughts, feelings and ideas as I do believe we are all one.

  3. I think he was emphasizing believe versus the revelation (knowledge) of God. not belief in but fact.

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