Here’s Your Final Reminder for Tonight’s Q&A Celebration

Heres Your Final Reminder for Tonights QA Celebration

Don’t Forget  byrmdemsick Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Boom! It’s finally here, the Q&A Celebration is on tonight.

Here’s your final reminder with access info:


Tuesday, 5 January, 2016
9:00 PM EST (U.S.) Start


Live video Q&A event where you ask questions,
get answers & win prizes


See you soon!

Your friend at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah
Education & Research Institute

P.S. Use this moment to think of any friends or family who you think would also benefit from this experience. Just forward them this email and open the opportunity to them too.

Tomorrow, It’s On! The Q&A Celebration

Tomorrow_ It’s On_The Q&A Celebration

I hope you’re getting excited about the Q&A Celebration tomorrow night, because I sure am!

It’s always a great pleasure being able to share this limitless wisdom with such great people from around the world who share life’s deepest questions.

Your questions are proof that there are a lot of people around the world, right now, looking beyond all the past paradigms, feeling that there is something peculiarly different about living in today’s world than any other time.

Continue reading “Tomorrow, It’s On! The Q&A Celebration”

Why Is It So Hard for People to Be Happy?

Why Is It So Hard for People to Be Happy?
Why Is It So Hard for People to Be Happy?
Why Is It So Hard for People to Be Happy? | Live Kabbalah Q&A Webinar

An answer to the question, “Why can’t people be happy? Why are there so many problems?” in the Live Kabbalah Q&A Webinar that took place on Monday, December 21, 2015.

Got a question you want Kabbalah’s answer on?

Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration…

Go Here to Ask Your Question »

What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? - Q&A Celebration
What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? – Q&A Celebration
Image: Marco Bellucci, "Question Mark."

VaEra (And I Appeared) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion


Exodus, 6:2-9:35

This Week’s Torah Portion | January 3 – January 9, 2016 – 22 Tevet – 28 Tevet, 5776

In A Nutshell

In the portion, VaEra (And I Appeared), the Creator appears before Moses and promises to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt to the land of Canaan. Moses turns to the children of Israel but they do not listen “out of impatience and out of hard work” (Exodus 6:9). The Creator instructs Moses to turn to Pharaoh and ask him to let the children of Israel go out of Egypt. Moses fears that he will not succeed in his mission and asks the Creator for a token. The Creator says to Moses that he will be as God to Pharaoh, while Aaron will be as the prophet who does the actual speaking, and the Creator will harden Pharaoh’s heart and shower plenty of signs and tokens over Egypt. The Creator gives to Moses and Aaron a staff, and when Moses casts the staff to the ground it becomes a snake. When Moses and Aaron come to Pharaoh, Moses is eighty years old and Aaron is eighty-three. There are many magicians and soothsayers around Pharaoh. When Moses and Aaron arrive, they throw down the staff and it becomes a snake. Pharaoh’s magicians do the same and their staffs turn to snakes, as well, but Moses’ and Aaron’s snake swallows the magicians’ snakes. Despite that display, Pharaoh remains defiant. This is when the ten plagues of Egypt begin. This portion mentions seven of the plagues: blood, frogs, lice, flies, pestilence, boils, and hail. After each plague Pharaoh goes back on his word and refuses to let the children of Israel go. 

 Commentary by Dr. Michael Laitman

While this depiction is graphic and picturesque, it actually conveys the interior of the Torah, the true law that instructs us how to get out of the Egypt within us. The Torah does not tell us to leave one physical place in favor of another, but rather how we can free ourselves of our egos. The portion deals with a person who is working hard and discovers that he or she is in Egypt. It also deals with that person’s desire that does not agree with being in Egypt, the ego, the essence of evil. Therefore, that person escapes from there while arguing with one’s ego. Such a person cannot tolerate the ego, fearing it might bury or kill him. Therefore, that person rises above it and begins to part from it. There are two forces in us. The first is the ego, which is Pharaoh and all of Egypt. The other is a “protruding” point called “the point in the heart.” All our desires that are in Egypt and are fed by it while there is a “famine in the land of Canaan” (Genesis, 42:6) create an internal struggle in us. This is the war from which we seek to escape, to rise above the ego with all our desires. In fact, only Moses, the point in the heart, escapes and rises above the ego, fleeing from Egypt to Jethro and to all that there is in Midian. After forty years, during which we grow stronger in Midian working on enhancing the force of Moses, the Creator appears to us in the burning bush. Through our inner voice we hear and comprehend that we must return, fight against our ego, and get out of it, or we will not be able to attain spirituality. Continue reading “VaEra (And I Appeared) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion”

31 Questions That Were Asked in the Last Q&A Celebration

31 Questions That Were Asked in the Last Q&A Celebration

To give you a taste of what people have asked in past Q&A Celebrations, which might even inspire more questions in you, here are 31 of them we picked out:

1. What happens when we die?

2. Is Kabbalah compatible with the Christian faith?

3. What is the meaning of the fruit of Knowledge that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden?

Go Here to Ask Your Question »

Continue reading “31 Questions That Were Asked in the Last Q&A Celebration”