5 Reasons Why the Q&A Celebration Is Happening

5 Reasons Why The Q&A Celebration Is Happening

Here are 5 reasons why the Q&A Celebration is happening…

1. Why can’t learning about life’s meaning and gaining wisdom be fun? A leading idea with the Q&A Celebration is that you’ll be able to absorb responses to your most serious questions, but in a way which is full of life, vitality, fun and excitement, because as we’ll see, we were all made to ultimately want to be happy, and Kabbalah simply explains what is the nature of being happy and how to attain it.

TIP: Feel free to bring your friends, have some plates of your favorite food ready (and your favorite drink), and enjoy this moment of being able to be together as fellow human beings learning about how we can get the most out of this life we find ourselves in.

Go Here to Ask Your Question, Get It Answered Live & Win Prizes!

2. There is an intensification of tragedies taking place in the world, which are making a lot more people ask the questions that Kabbalah was made to answer: What is the meaning of life? Why is there so much suffering in the world? How can we create a better world? And many more of life’s deepest questions concerning our meaning and purpose.

TIP: Ask any question you want Kabbalah’s answer to, and invite any friends you know also have deep questions awakening recently to this event.

Go Here to Ask Your Question, Get It Answered Live & Win Prizes!

3. We’re so excited about the Campus Kabbalah local courses starting in January in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto and Orlando, we wanted to share even a little taste of what this deepest wisdom can offer you by giving you the opportunity to ask any question you want, and getting it answered live.

TIP: Look out for Kabbalah Campus course discounts exclusive to Q&A Celebration participants!

Go Here to Ask Your Question, Get It Answered Live & Win Prizes!

4. If you were completely fulfilled with unlimited pleasure, enjoyment and happiness flowing through you endlessly, would you have any questions left? Kabbalah explains how all people are gradually being led to such a state, because there are people who have attained that state while living in our world (called “Kabbalists,” i.e. “receivers” of this ultimate state). They passed through all the states in order to reach that state, and wish to explain to us that we can also reach that state if we apply ourselves to learning about how nature works.

TIP: Try to take a look at where your question is ultimately coming from. It’s coming from a place of incomplete knowledge and a lack of fulfillment. Precisely that inner place is what Kabbalah works with, bringing a method that clarifies the origins and workings of that place, and how to work with desire and fulfillment in a way that lets us become infinitely fulfilled.

Go Here to Ask Your Question, Get It Answered Live & Win Prizes!

5. We have great books for you! As much as we can get into in a 2 hour session, there’s nothing like having a book to delve deeper and deeper into a topic over a prolonged period, in order to really gain deeper insight and feeling.

TIP: Come to the Q&A Celebration to be in the draw to win many book and CD prize packs we’ll be giving away on the night. Also, just by attending, you’ll get access to many great book and CD discounts we’ll be making available to all Q&A Celebration attendees.

Here’s your link to join:

September 2017 UPDATE: Check out the page on “What Is the Meaning of Life?” where Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman answers many of the initial questions people ask in relation to the meaning and purpose of our existence.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Your friend at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute

How to Cross the Barrier into the Spiritual World | Ask The Kabbalist

How to Cross the Barrier into the Spiritual World | Ask the Kabbalist
How to Cross the Barrier into the Spiritual World | Ask the Kabbalist

Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 7, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • How can the barrier to the spiritual world be crossed? Is it done individually or collectively?
  • Do men need more spiritual corrections than women?
  • Why do I feel confused with my desire to discover the meaning of life and the ones I had previously in my life?
  • According to Kabbalah, how can we implement the right intention in practice, into an action?

Got a question you want Kabbalah’s answer on?

Get it answered live and win prizes at our Q&A Celebration on Tuesday, 5 January, 2016!…

Either click the banner or… Go Here to Ask Your Question »


Ask Your Question. Get It Answered Live. Win Prizes! | Q&A Celebration 2015

What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? - Q&A Celebration 2015


We at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center are so excited about the upcoming Kabbalah Campus local courses, which begin on January 20 in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto and Orlando, that we can’t wait to get started!

So on Tuesday, 1 December 2015, we’ll be holding a free public preliminary live Q&A session, titled “What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything!?” with you to celebrate the upcoming course.

We invite you all to post just one question that’s itching away at you, and get it answered at the live event.

Maybe you have a question about the meaning of life, about Kabbalah, or how you can be helped in a certain situation you’re facing, or how to understand all kinds of events occurring in our world from their root, or any variety of concepts, such as whether we have free choice, how we perceive reality, why we feel pain and pleasure, and countless others…

Kabbalah encourages the asking of questions to progress, so here’s an opportunity to ask your first question and get it answered live!…

Just write the question you have on the question asking page, and you’re in!

Go Here to Ask Your Question »

AND… By sending your question, you’ll go into the draw to win a number of book & CD giveaways!


We look forward to seeing you soon!


Your friend at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute

How Kabbalah Helps You in Everyday Life | Ask the Kabbalist

What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? - Q&A Celebration 2015


We’re so excited about the upcoming “What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything!?” live Q&A Celebration event that will be taking place on Tuesday, 5 January, that we’re digging up long lost episodes of “Ask the Kabbalist,” that aired on TV, and releasing them toward the event!

At the Q&A Celebration, you’ll be able to ask questions, get them answered live, and win one of many prize pack giveaways!

To ask your question to attend, simply click on the link below, ask your question in the form on that page, and you’re in!

Go Here to Ask Your Question at the Q&A Celebration »


Ask the Kabbalist, Episode 2, with Dr. Michael Laitman

In this episode, Dr. Michael Laitman answers the following questions:

  • What is a prayer according to Kabbalah?
  • How can families accurately help a child with behavior problems?
  • How does Kabbalah help a person in everyday life?

Go Here to Ask Your Question at the Q&A Celebration »


VaYetze (And Jacob Went Out) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion


Genesis, 28:10-32:3
This Week’s Torah Portion | November 15 – November 21, 2015 – 3 Kislev – 9 Kislev, 5776

In A Nutshell

The portion, VaYetze (And Jacob Went Out), begins with Jacob leaving Beer Sheba and heading for Haran. He stops for the night and in his dream he sees a ladder “set up on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it” (Genesis, 28:12). The Creator appears before him and promises him that the earth on which he is lying will be his, that he will have many sons, and that He will watch over him. The next morning, Jacob sets up a monument in that place and calls it, Beit El (House of God).

Jacob comes to a well near Haran, where he meets Rachel and her father, Laban the Aramean, who offers him to work for him for seven years in return for permission to marry Rachel. At the end of the seven years Laban deceives Jacob and gives him Leah instead. He compels Jacob to work for him seven more years, after which he gives him Rachel and Jacob marries her.

Leah has four sons from Jacob, while Rachel is barren. Rachel gives to Jacob her maidens, who give birth to four more of his sons. Leah delivers two more sons, until finally Rachel conceives and gives birth to Joseph.

Jacob asks Laban to pay for his work. Laban gives him some of the flock, although they had a different agreement. Jacob shows the flock the troughs, and they conceive and deliver. Some of the lambs are born striped, some are speckled, and some are spotted.

Jacob feels that Laban is not treating him as before. At the same time, an angel appears before Jacob and tells him to return to the land of Israel. He leaves without notifying Laban, and Rachel steals the idols. Laban chases them in search of the idols, catches up with Jacob on Mount Gilead, and rebukes him for fleeing and stealing the idols.

Finally, they make a covenant on the mountain. Jacob is preparing to enter the land of Israel, he sees angels accompanying him, and he calls the place, Mahanaim (two camps).

 Commentary by Dr. Michael Laitman

Kabbalah always interprets stories as stages in a person’s inner growth, according to man’s purpose in this world—to discover the Creator, to achieve His degree, meaning to achieve Dvekut (adhesion).

Thus far, all the portions related to man’s initial point, Abraham, which is scrutinized through study, the group, connection with the teacher, and the books of Kabbalah. Subsequently, a person discovers the next stage, Isaac, followed by Ishmael, and then by Esau.

The portion, VaYetze (And Jacob Went Out), speaks of Jacob, who is the middle line. Abraham is the right line, and Isaac is the left line. Jacob is special in that the middle line contains all the qualities, the good, as well as the bad. In the middle line, the evil inclination and the good inclination merge in order to achieve the degree of the Creator, our goal.

The work in the middle line is done entirely in faith above reason, in bestowal, above the ego. This is the quality of Jacob in a person, and this is how it develops. Jacob leaves Beer Sheba, meaning a certain place, an inner state, and heads for Haran, which is another stage along the way. On the way there he must shift from state to state through the day and the night. In other words, Jacob experiences internal, spiritual ascents and descents.

Continue reading “VaYetze (And Jacob Went Out) Parsha – Weekly Torah Portion”